Last Week Tonight with John Oliver: Wealth Gap

YT: John Oliver discusses America's growing wealth gap and why it may be a problem in the future.

I dunno, it's kinda depressing to me (and I'm not even bloody American or living in the US...)

You really have to wonder how 330+ million people all got brainwashed in to believing they can't change the system they live under, particularly in the so called greatest democracy in the world... = \




I don't get it if you want to be better off then go figure out a way and drive toward it. Quit bitching about " those rich bastards".

I suppose I could just watch TV all night and complain like everybody else with and have my hand out for some government cheese or for the government to strip the rich of its earnings and hand out more cheese.

I want to be better off and working toward making it better. Its a long road but I believe I will get there.

Today I made a $1000 bucks and last month I made 38% on my money.
I also buy and sell motorcycles for some extra spending cash. I'm always trying to better myself financially.

My dad lost everything he had when he was in his late 30's in 10 years he had it back. He is retired and living well. I wouldn't call him rich but his money will outlast him. He did it, a high school educated man.

America is still the best country You can make you own mark. It's up to you and you alone.


@bobknight33, you have completely missed the point.

Your $1000 is irrelevant.

We're talking about people who have billions and no, they didn't get it through hard work and bettering themselves, they were born to it.

What's even worse is that at least the rich in years past got there through industry. They may have treated their workers appallingly, but at least they actually employed people. These days, you have people generating absurd amounts of wealth in the finance industry and almost no-one but those involved benefits.

There's no industry, they are no factories or design houses or supplementary economies, and what they most certainly are not is "job creators".

And the USA is the best country? By what metric?
Highest incarceration rate?
Most privately owned firearms per capita
or maybe it's worst current account balance?

Because it certainly doesn't rate highly by education, healthcare, citizen happiness, democracy, crime, corruption....

Ahhh, it's Winner of most Basketball World Championships for Women. USA! USA! USA!


wow, you've been brainwashed. how's that "soon to have" mentality working out for you? How much in capital gains tax did you pay last year? Let me guess...none.

you are the poster child for voting against your own interests.

nice strawman. I don't see a lot of people sitting around, I see people trying to change things. and *gasp* making it part of the national conversation is part of that.

the right loves to rail against the European mentality of people being born into wealth, but that's exactly what we are creating. Romney - born into wealth. The Bush family - born into wealth. maybe a long time ago, someone in their family did work hard to get where they are, or in all likelyhood, they got lucky, they were in the right place, right time. From then on, it's just a game of maintaining that wealth. which buys you politicians to help you keep that wealth.

You probably can't hear me, probably still planning out what you're going to do with your lottery winnings.


I don't get it if you want to be better off then go figure out a way and drive toward it. Quit bitching about " those rich bastards".

I suppose I could just watch TV all night and complain like everybody else with and have my hand out for some government cheese or for the government to strip the rich of its earnings and hand out more cheese.

I want to be better off and working toward making it better. Its a long road but I believe I will get there.

Today I made a $1000 bucks and last month I made 38% on my money.
I also buy and sell motorcycles for some extra spending cash. I'm always trying to better myself financially.

My dad lost everything he had when he was in his late 30's in 10 years he had it back. He is retired and living well. I wouldn't call him rich but his money will outlast him. He did it, a high school educated man.

America is still the best country You can make you own mark. It's up to you and you alone.


CEs' right-The illusion he described is the only tangible evidence that the shit you've heard at the last pep-rally has any meaning other than to enhance or lull you into a somnambulistic satisfaction of the slave-mentality of, 'rah-rah, American way.' This bergs' been sold on the block already and you have the privilege of witnessing the pangs of chaotic birth-spawn and participating in planet now. That you are satisfied with your plight is evidence of an effective, Satanic pogrom.


The lottery is a suckers game, people say it's really about paying a small amount to fantasize about winning. Well I can pay nothing and still dream about winning and in practical terms my chances are still about the same as someone who bought a ticket.


Where do you live exactly because I'm guessing that I can find similar propaganda tools in your society as well. The United States is unique in a few ways, and it's Public Relations Machine is absolutely amazing. Hitler and Goebbels copied it because at the time it was the most advanced in the world at Manufacturing Consent.

I meet some people from foreign countries who like to run America down in some ways and they're correct a lot of the time and sometimes I participate with them. There are other times though where say someone from the UK or France speaks up and I just have to slam them down. The UK is a joke with it's rules against broadcasting and freedom of speech, an absolutely backward democracy. France is way WAY worse in regards to it's worship of academias charlatans. Just bullshit constantly being peddled in both places that would NEVER fly in the United States.

And Australia specifically because I know there's some Aussies on the board that like to run America and the UK down. Do you guys like being told what video game is ok to buy? Do you like trying to find your way around archaic bullshit rules that the US public would've fucking smashed in a second if they were even suggested?

America has a lot of fucking problems, and this is certainly tied to the biggest. The fact that we will go through another HUGE crash in a couple years that will be worse than the 2008 one. It might actually solve our fucking problems though. The first crash caused some serious organization and it had to be put down violently. It didn't continue with serious steam because a lot of people were still doing ok. What about the next horrible crash that should be much much bigger. You think organization will be difficult then? It's only a matter of time, and it's looking good for the activists. Sadly time is not on our side with regards to the planet.

And the reason why it's looking good for the activists in America is because we have some education in stopping Wars because of activism, in stopping barbarism. You want to think we're backward, what other Empire in ALLLLLL Of human history actually had civilians go and live with their victims to try and stop their armies destroying them. There isn't an example in all of history except for good ol' Americans doing it in Vietnam and Nicaragua.

Also this might be a minor point but didn't we at our birth overthrow probably the worst Empire ever to exist? Which I might add caused everyone else to start throwing them off like a hot blanket in the Arab Spring (American influence Arab Spring).

You said Bloody so I'm gonna assume you're from Britainland, the land that gave us Big Brother. We should've burned the UK to the ground a long time ago, the Nazis before the Nazis even existed.


I dunno, it's kinda depressing to me (and I'm not even bloody American or living in the US...)

You really have to wonder how 330+ million people all got brainwashed in to believing they can't change the system they live under, particularly in the so called greatest democracy in the world... = \


Australia for arguments sake, but your assumption that my post was about one upping the US is incorrect.

I find the situation sad when so many people are so poorly treated by a system and yet still perpetuate that system. You mention not being able to play a game due to a lack of freedom, but how is that an issue compared to not getting medical or dental care for a child? Access to life saving drugs without mortgaging not only your own future, but the future of your kids. Oh woo-fucking-hoo, you can buy the handful of games our censors knocked on the head, but you can't feed your homeless or pay your retired police/firefighters pensions. You can't guarantee a living wage for huge swathes of the population so a few people can have even larger money vaults. Your security apparatus crawls through your vaunted rights at will, and convinces the populace that the guy shining a light on just how undermined US freedom really is, is a traitor...

If all I was concerned about is feeling superior, I could stop right there, mission accomplished.

But it's not. It's fucking sick that so many people eek out shitty existences for the protection and perpetuation of a tiny portion of the population. Feudalism at least was honest, you were born in the dirt and you died in the dirt.

American's are, from my experience, just people like everyone else. For the most part, wonderful people. I've met so many great people on my travels to the US. They deserve better, they fought and bled and worked for better. So how is it most never even get close?

It's not about who's better, or more fortunate, or who's national dick is collectively longer. It's about giving good people a fair chance rather than the so called 'representatives' conspiring to stack the game against them.


Where do you live exactly because I'm guessing that I can find similar propaganda tools in your society as well. The United States is unique in a few ways, and it's Public Relations Machine is absolutely amazing. Hitler and Goebbels copied it because at the time it was the most advanced in the world at Manufacturing Consent.

I meet some people from foreign countries who like to run America down in some ways and they're correct a lot of the time and sometimes I participate with them. There are other times though where say someone from the UK or France speaks up and I just have to slam them down. The UK is a joke with it's rules against broadcasting and freedom of speech, an absolutely backward democracy. France is way WAY worse in regards to it's worship of academias charlatans. Just bullshit constantly being peddled in both places that would NEVER fly in the United States.

And Australia specifically because I know there's some Aussies on the board that like to run America and the UK down. Do you guys like being told what video game is ok to buy? Do you like trying to find your way around archaic bullshit rules that the US public would've fucking smashed in a second if they were even suggested?

America has a lot of fucking problems, and this is certainly tied to the biggest. The fact that we will go through another HUGE crash in a couple years that will be worse than the 2008 one. It might actually solve our fucking problems though. The first crash caused some serious organization and it had to be put down violently. It didn't continue with serious steam because a lot of people were still doing ok. What about the next horrible crash that should be much much bigger. You think organization will be difficult then? It's only a matter of time, and it's looking good for the activists. Sadly time is not on our side with regards to the planet.


Just to clear this up, we're all just cockroaches.


Australia for arguments sake, but your assumption that my post was about one upping the US is incorrect.

I find the situation sad when so many people are so poorly treated by a system and yet still perpetuate that system. You mention not being able to play a game due to a lack of freedom, but how is that an issue compared to not getting medical or dental care for a child? Access to life saving drugs without mortgaging not only your own future, but the future of your kids. Oh woo-fucking-hoo, you can buy the handful of games our censors knocked on the head, but you can't feed your homeless or pay your retired police/firefighters pensions. You can't guarantee a living wage for huge swathes of the population so a few people can have even larger money vaults. Your security apparatus crawls through your vaunted rights at will, and convinces the populace that the guy shining a light on just how undermined US freedom really is, is a traitor...

If all I was concerned about is feeling superior, I could stop right there, mission accomplished.

But it's not. It's fucking sick that so many people eek out shitty existences for the protection and perpetuation of a tiny portion of the population. Feudalism at least was honest, you were born in the dirt and you died in the dirt.

American's are, from my experience, just people like everyone else. For the most part, wonderful people. I've met so many great people on my travels to the US. They deserve better, they fought and bled and worked for better. So how is it most never even get close?

It's not about who's better, or more fortunate, or who's national dick is collectively longer. It's about giving good people a fair chance rather than the so called 'representatives' conspiring to stack the game against them.


*quality discussion.

If you want to learn more about being a debt peon, or the new feudalism a good explanation is here:



If the "soon to have" mentality was even remotely true, then shouldn't all of our senior citizens be rich?

It just doesn't pass the most basic level of scrutiny. You've got to be supremely dumb to buy into that theory.


If you don't plan then you wont have dick.
IF you plan of winning the lottery then shame on you.
Granted some plan, and save and now end up loosing due to policies, such as we have now with zero % interest rates and the dumping of 85 billion/month from the fed into the economy adding to the current inflation .

But waiting for some hand out to leveling the playing field will never happen. Don't wait on others do you own thing.


If the "soon to have" mentality was even remotely true, then shouldn't all of our senior citizens be rich?

It just doesn't pass the most basic level of scrutiny. You've got to be supremely dumb to buy into that theory.


We live in a world of pyramid-shaped societies, so many people on the bottom will never move up, no matter how hard they work, because there simply isn't room. It's mathematically impossible. Working hard certainly increases your odds of advancement and should definitely be encouraged, but life is still largely chance.

The American Dream is that anyone can make it to the top, not that everyone can.

It's a fine dream, but sadly once people do well they often forget about dumb luck and start thinking it was all their hard work, and therefore people who haven't done well must be lazy.


The kennedys are all born into wealth. So are all the Saudi princes. Perhaps if we could all make $250,000 per speech like Hillary, we'd all do all right.
I wonder what Oliver makes?

Let's set up a commission and decide how much Oliver will make. We can put me in charge. Then we'll see how much he appreciates the free market system.

Yes, I know it's not really 'free'. Obama loves to prop up Wall St, so perhaps we could all work for Wall St.


Rich white woman passing out the balls...couldn't be a woman with down syndrome or perhaps a fat woman with boils? Nope, John makes sure to keep the income inequality going...

One fake set of tits at a time...

dystopianfuturetodayjokingly says...

Came here to say this.


CEs' right-The illusion he described is the only tangible evidence that the shit you've heard at the last pep-rally has any meaning other than to enhance or lull you into a somnambulistic satisfaction of the slave-mentality of, 'rah-rah, American way.' This bergs' been sold on the block already and you have the privilege of witnessing the pangs of chaotic birth-spawn and participating in planet now. That you are satisfied with your plight is evidence of an effective, Satanic pogrom.


Every president props up Wall Street, they have to they're the power. Hillary is a part of that culture as well, Oliver is the media, he makes the rich money that's why he has the job. If it's making jokes about things that will never change than his bosses don't see an issue.


The kennedys are all born into wealth. So are all the Saudi princes. Perhaps if we could all make $250,000 per speech like Hillary, we'd all do all right.
I wonder what Oliver makes?

Let's set up a commission and decide how much Oliver will make. We can put me in charge. Then we'll see how much he appreciates the free market system.

Yes, I know it's not really 'free'. Obama loves to prop up Wall St, so perhaps we could all work for Wall St.


Remind me again how all those people completely broken by the GFC were supposed to plan for that? Thousands of public servants retirement funds wiped out, people losing houses etc.

These are people that worked for their reward and had it taken away because government regulation wasn't in place to protect them.

I can't decide if you're a troll or a moron, but I guess it doesn't matter, the difference is academic at this point...


If you don't plan then you wont have dick.
IF you plan of winning the lottery then shame on you.
Granted some plan, and save and now end up loosing due to policies, such as we have now with zero % interest rates and the dumping of 85 billion/month from the fed into the economy adding to the current inflation .

But waiting for some hand out to leveling the playing field will never happen. Don't wait on others do you own thing.

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