I'm not enjoying the trolling on the Sift.

You know, I hid my gender for a long time here, because I didn't want to put up with a bunch of asshole men attacking a woman's point of view. I was afraid that if I spoke up from my point of view, I would get trashed.

It has been so nice to just be myself here, without fear.

And then. @spoco2 spoke up on C-Punch video, as did a number of others.

Since then, it has been a downward spiraling troll fest that, for me, is getting uglier and uglier.

I like the guys that are doing the trolling. I also wish they would stop.

I realize that saying something is likely to set off another round of bashing on folks who come here as a respite from the Norm of the Internet.

I don't think censorship is okay. Please don't get me wrong.

But why this need to punish, guys? It is ugly. I'm not enjoying it.

Is this how people get run off from the Sift?

I have read posts, after the fact, discussing how so-and-so got their "feelings hurt" and left the Sift. Is this how it happens?

My feelings aren't hurt. I just don't want to see promoted on the front page what feels like an unending assault against the sensibilities of women and those who truly care about women.

I know I risk setting the trolls off again. (I hate calling the folks I like trolls.) I want to speak up, though. I don't want to stay silent.

Here's a question -- if these sexist videos (and yes, they are sexist videos) were RACIST videos, would the community allow them to continue? Why is that blatant -- or even sly -- sexism is still okay but racism is not?

Here's another question -- why would people I like continue doing things that they know upset me and others like me? I understand that behavior in the faceless morass that is YouTube or the internet in general, but here? Where we like each other -- mostly?

This is what spoco2 was talking about, I think. The bully boy frat boy tactics that are designed to shame people into silence.

Well, I'm not going away. And I'm not silent.
GDGD says...

Multiple things going on here. I gather what you are saying about people purposely trying to get to you, and no, I do not think that is okay if you are expressing you displeasure and they continue. However, what people choose to promote or not promote is also a form of expression and as you said censorship is not okay. I forget where the quote came from, or if it is even a quote but "You should have the right to go through life without being assaulted, but not offended." This is the phrase that spring to mind when ever someone says 'Fuck' in public as well as other statements 'that is retarded' 'that is gay.' To each person these statements fall onto a different part of the spectrum of their political correctness beliefs.

As for sexist, yes, a video can be sexist, but cannot it not be sexist in a certain way? Sexist without malice or harm in mind. I will admit I have posted several videos with 'the boobies' present in them, but I find them to be done for the artistic/shock/thought purpose, not for the fap purpose. I feel as though @thepinky was dealing with a similar situation here. I do not know how to preceded. Would glorification of the male 'nut-shot' be similar exploitation? (i could see how they could be considered similar in regards to sexism) Because I also enjoy (read: cringe in pain) at a good ball to the groin. As for comparing the situation to racist videos, I would say that the sift does indeed have videos with racism as a 'comedic vehicle.'

Beyond that, all that I can really suggest is to ignore those people that offend you, (both by actually selecting ignore, and by not opening their videos) I know that I use my avatar as my own personal reminder not to sweat whatever other people say or think (quite a challenge).

bareboards2 says...

And so it begins.

If I were black, would you be ignoring me so completely if I said I was being made extremely uncomfortable by overtly racist vids on the Sift?

Would you insult me by making more denigrating black comments?

>> ^blankfist:

Worst. Vagina. Monologue. EVAR.

dag says...

Comment hidden because you are ignoring dag. (show it anyway)

I think it's a big reason why people leave the Sift. Especially females. The ones who stay are tough as burlap undies. (No offense ladies - I love you - go back to piercing your uvulas)

berticus says...

@bareboards2, there have been a number of times that i've almost left this place due to people's stupid shit. but the reality is that you can't possibly get them to stop, and trying just encourages more stupidity, so... you're gonna have to take the good with the bad. of course, there's always the option of a little civil disobedience, too...

Duckman33 says...

What spoco said on that video was a completely made up scenario that he had in his head, which had absolutely nothing to do with what was really going on. The woman was not being oppressed, intimidated, forced, belittled, abused either physically or mentally, OR sexually exploited in any way whatsoever. It was a knee jerk reaction to a basically harmless bit of drinking fun between a group of friends and consenting adults, nothing more. If they choose to party that way and play drinking games where they punch each other in the groins, who are we to judge that? And I'm not trying to be an ass here but who are you, he, or anyone else to judge us for thinking it was funny? I just don't get it. We have every right to like/laugh at the stupidity just as you guys do to hate it. And WE are trolling for mentioning that? Again I don't get it.

Morganth says...

There are a lot of ways I could respond to you Blankfist. I certainly have some in mind. However, I'm sadly already convinced that it wouldn't do any good, but only goad you into perpetuating a problem.

You may have a crown next to your name, but that does not mean the standards of this community do not apply.

Bareboards2 and other women of the Sift, please know that there are at least some men here who will stand next to you in silencing sexism. I certainly hope they too will speak up.

rottenseed says...

In my defense:

A) I didn't know you were a female until now
B) I don't think racism is off limits if done without hatred (same as sexist comedy)

Nobody knows where you come from, and you can no sooner change somebody else's sensibilities than they can change yours. We all see the world through a different lens, and I think what blankfist meant to say—but lacked the time between bong loads—is that he doesn't feel the same way you do about stuff. He is ok with it, and you should become ok with it. If you ever think this place is too insensitive, hang around youtube for a day or two, then you'll remember the difference between intolerance and observation.

PS: As a white male raised in a middle class family, I should know a thing or two about what it's like to be oppressed. I wanted the red '99 mustang for high school graduation, but daddy wouldn't shell out the extra dough for the Cobra edition, so I totally know your pain.

blankfist says...

Standards of this community, he says. lol

But in all honesty, I do think this is a huge overreaction to something that's not worth it. But that's my opinion on the matter.

spaceman says...

As a kike I don't give a flying fuck about people making fun of our giant noses as long as I make a profit from it. I would imagine that if I were a nigger than I would not care about people making fun of my monkey nose. However! If I were a women I would definitely mind if people made fun of my weird vagina nose. That is all.

peggedbea says...

yes,yes, as a matter of fact, he would. and has. >> ^bareboards2:

And so it begins.
If I were black, would you be ignoring me so completely if I said I was being made extremely uncomfortable by overtly racist vids on the Sift?
Would you insult me by making more denigrating black comments?

>> ^blankfist:
Worst. Vagina. Monologue. EVAR.

westy says...

>> ^bareboards2:

And so it begins.
If I were black, would you be ignoring me so completely if I said I was being made extremely uncomfortable by overtly racist vids on the Sift?
Would you insult me by making more denigrating black comments?

>> ^blankfist:
Worst. Vagina. Monologue. EVAR.

If sum-one is retarded to you just point out why they are been retarded directly at them thats all you can do (obvouly don't let yourself be baited by trolls) , I don't get why you feel you need to make this post about it its not like they can do anything to you or Evan know you well for what they say to have a truly deep emotional impact on you . and aside from that if sum one is a total munch to you then all you do is respect them less and pay less atentoin to them.

granted women due to there minority online ( in certain places) get different treatment to men , but other minorities or people that are different get different or disproportional treatment as well and the people that you disagree with are not likely to change how they are by reeding what you just wrote at the top.

People go on about my spelling all the time and its frustrating to have to keep exsplaing the same thing , but in the end it dosen't really matter all i can do is exsplain why it snot important and how they are wrong and then hope they get it if not then they don't.

As for your racism example i would say the exact same thing if sum one is racist then everyone can see that there view is retarded and they can point that out and why.

the only time admin should step in is if sum-one was spamming your account to the existent that you cannot technically use video sift or something along those lines.

everyone should just stick there dick/Munt flaps out the window and let them flap around in the wind following that they should chill the fuck out.

peggedbea says...

there's a lot of dumbshit misogyny here and there's a lot of the opposite. and there's a lot of people who aren't actually dumbshit misogynists who are just making jokes. and there's a lot of people who don't realize how dumbshit misogynists they are just making stupid jokes. and there's a lot of other stuff too.

but i don't think that video was any of those things. i left my comment about how i felt about that video and the subsequent thread. it's much ado about nothing.

and yeah, this is just how it is here. i'm glad i'm not the only *femme calling douchebaggery when i see it though.

westy says...

>> ^peggedbea:

there's a lot of dumbshit misogyny here and there's a lot of the opposite. and there's a lot of people who aren't actually dumbshit misogynists who are just making jokes. and there's a lot of people who don't realize how dumbshit misogynists they are just making stupid jokes. and there's a lot of other stuff too.
but i don't think that video was any of those things. i left my comment about how i felt about that video and the subsequent thread. it's much ado about nothing.
and yeah, this is just how it is here. i'm glad i'm not the only femme calling douchebaggery when i see it though.

yah peggedbea makes a good point here u always have to remember that its near bloody imposable to gleam exactly what sum one is communicating and there actual stance on things or there general attitude from a couple of words they are making on a comment.

bareboards2 says...

What prompted this post wasn't the C punch, or the malicious downvoting of a vid of mine, or the escalating snarky talk against anyone who said they didn't like the C punch...

It was the promoting and qualitying of a vid with a naked woman, seated on a chair, head obscured. A bewb shot. On the front page. For the million plus visitors per month, or whatever we are at to see first.

I don't care about bewb shots. I have a pair.

It was the conscious decision to troll the whole site that I found offensive. It was meant to be demeaning. I felt demeaned. And it was meant to punish the site. And I'm sure it has cost the site.

Look, I have been here for years. I see sexist stuff ALL THE TIME that makes me cringe. I say nothing, because there is nothing to be said. It just ... is.

But something has happened in the past two days that crossed a line for me.

I'm still trying to figure out what it is. I just know something isn't okay.

gwiz665 says...

Stirring the pot for no reason. If you don't like a video, downvote it, or avoid it. People have difference of opinion, this is not a little pond, you have to deal with it.

The reason the sift is a good place to be, is because we are so different people. If you don't like it and want to change it to only include your version of reality, then this is not the place for you. I don't think any of the internet really is, when you think about it.

Videosift has a fine filtering mechanism - or well, IS a filtering mechanism, to sift out the crap from the internet. Sometimes things get through that you may not like. Plenty of stuff on here annoys the crap out of me, but I just go around it or even downvote it.

A finishing note is, everything does not revolve around you. I certainly didn't promote that one to attack you or any of the women of the sift - I did it because I like boobs in motion and the video is fun if stupid, and to piss off all the white knights templar who have all the right opinions on the sift.

The cunt punching video is not sexist. The topless chair jousting (http://videosift.com/video/Topless-Chair-Jousting-New-Olympic-Sport-for-2012) video is not sexist. They are no more sexist than all the Old Spice commercials with Isiah Mustafa flexing his pecks to sell deoderant.

Shepppard says...

I'm not entirely sure what you're upset about..

Are you upset about the video itself? or the comments ribbing it.

The video itself I see nothing wrong with, she obviously agreed to do it and knew what she was getting into. Yes, she got punched, no, it wasn't in anger and it wasn't somewhere that would truly hurt. (getting hit in the boob, eye, or nose would hurt a helluva lot more, i'm sure.)

The comments are nothing out of the ordinary, I tend to see videosift as a fairly close knit community. Maybe because I've been a member for years and I've just gotten used to them. When people feel comfortable with those around them, they make stupid jokes that they wouldn't otherwise, because generally "Everybody else" knows they're only joking.

I made a joke the other day on the drunk woman at the beach video about "maybe if she was wearing a one-piece." I'm not a sexist, I don't actually care what people are wearing as long as they enjoy how they look. I only said that because it was a stupid joke, nothing more. I feel that's how most of the community operates.

I'm more curious as to what you're specifically upset about so I can understand further.

edit: ah, the topless jousting.

That's just something that you'll unfortunately have to get used to. There was a large discussion on what classifies as "porn" on the sift not long ago, and ever since the floodgates have been open for people posting the dumbest stuff with naked people with the blanket over it labled "art".

It's something that's too tricky to nail down, and people exploit that.

Gallowflak says...

I've been insulted in a variety of interesting and endearing ways while I've been here. I'm also, technically, a spastic, so people have a pretty good avenue of attack when it comes to being offensive.

I don't care.

The only concern that I have is the corruption of this community from something awesome and relatively mature (compare this shit to youtube) to something closer to... uh... youtube. The best way to prevent that is to argue against people when they're being douchebags and sift/support good content. I know Bareboards2 has been busy sifting away, and most of it's been getting sifted.

I think this really has to do with the thickness of one's own skin more than anything else. If you've not secured yourself against assault on your character, or being offended by the actions and choices of others, the internet is a profoundly hazardous place.

That doesn't mean we shouldn't resist those things we find to be abominable. I just think it's important to be stoic about it.

gwiz665 says...

I personally think that pushing this talk post to the frontpage is more damaging to the site than the jousting video. Talks and videos are separated for a reason, so the majority - who do not care at all about the talks - can just watch their videos instead of seeing this drama crap.

blankfist says...

>> ^berticus:

it's amusing that the only thing you can get blankfist to be serious about is his laughable political ideology

Hah. This is true. I take very little else seriously.

I can see how people would take offense over certain things people say especially when they think they're somehow being treated differently because of something naturally a part of them which they've zero ability to change (not that they'd want to change that part of them). I personally think treating people differently in earnest is terrible. I treat everyone I come into contact with equally, or at least try.

But on the internet? I'm gonna troll the shit out of your asses. Or vaginas.

spoco2 says...

Holy crap my comment has caused a nice little shitstorm hasn't it?

From my point of view:

* Yes, my second comment (the one that caused the furore) was what I felt when I watched the video, the way the guy was, his demeanour, everything about him just made me think of that type of man. And yeah I have no idea of the backstory of this, and yeah, maybe they all did think it was all in great fun, even her. I just don't think it's that clear cut, I have a feeling she is kinda sad that she let it happen... but again, it's what I FEEL/IMAGINE about the video, it's what I take from it, and I said it in the comment, it reminded me of those types of men. And that type of man doesn't just do it to women, he does it to anyone he thinks he can wield power over. Again, maybe he's not like that... but I have a suspicion he might be. And it was that feeling that the video left with me that made me make the comment and downvote.

* I think all nut hit videos are shithouse, I think Americas/Australias Funniest Home videos is a crapfest of low grade dribble. Yeah, I thought being hit in the nuts was funny up until, I dunno, probably the age of 9 or so, but don't any more. It's fine that other people do of course, but it saddens me that grown people can spend an entire show effectively just watching people hurt themselves... and do so every time it's on TV. And that so many people watch it, but then I feel the same way about UFC, Jackass and any number of things that are hugely popular because people are either beating the shit out of each other or hurting each other in the most extreme ways possible.

* I don't give a flying fuck if you call me boring, straight laced, dull. I know who I am, I know I have an awesome family, job, life. And I know that I don't need to pretend to like violence, sport or sexism just to be popular.

* I like fart jokes

* Those of you who spent SO LONG voicing how important it was that the video was on videosift, and also those who linked to even worse videos, such as the real/fake video of the woman being punched during an argument really need to wonder why you did so. Why is it SO important to you that people see some sort of worth in videos like this? Seriously.

* Gwiz... *sigh* I have gone back and forth thinking you've got real issues with sex and women and that no, you're just misunderstood. But after you posting this video and trying to suggest it has merit, and then promoting the topless one, and the known history of yourself and members here IRL, I'm starting to think your view of women is being seriously affected by a diet entirely too rich in internet porn. Why do you constantly feel the need to bring that shit to the sift? Porn and sexism is EVERYWHERE on the internet, why does it have to be here? Why can this not be a place where women can come without feeling like it's a boy's club? Fuck man, just get your porn fix somewhere else and come here after you've cum...

* Trying to say 'you'd have no issue with the video if it were just men' is avoiding the fact that women are STILL FAR more the victims of male aggression and force and intimidation than the other way around. You can't go on about 'well, women want equality, here it is' bullshit either. Equality doesn't mean everyone should treat everyone like dumb shits, it should be everyone treating everyone with respect.

Look, whatever, people will just continue to say I'm a downer and boring and a killjoy and am trying to impose my beliefs on them, but you know what? There are WAY more places on the net you can indulge your stupid jock, sexist, violent, low brow side, and bugger all where you can come for some pretty interesting discussions about videos. Don't drag the sift to the levels of digg and 4chan and youtube please, it'd really fuck up my day.

Also, it makes me damn sad that you've made women here on the sift feel like this, it really does.

critical_d says...

Why do you give the trolls the power to offend you? Placing blame on anonomous people for you being offended is just empowering the jerks.

This is not meant to make less of your thoughts or feelings but really...letting the assholes get to you is your choice.

The web is the Wild Wild West, thus all websites start with WWW. =) There are vids in this site that I don't like but hey...it's not my house...I just hang around and drink the beer in the fridge.

>> ^bareboards2:

What prompted this post wasn't the C punch, or the malicious downvoting of a vid of mine, or the escalating snarky talk against anyone who said they didn't like the C punch...
It was the promoting and qualitying of a vid with a naked woman, seated on a chair, head obscured. A bewb shot. On the front page. For the million plus visitors per month, or whatever we are at to see first.
I don't care about bewb shots. I have a pair.
It was the conscious decision to troll the whole site that I found offensive. It was meant to be demeaning. I felt demeaned. And it was meant to punish the site. And I'm sure it has cost the site.
Look, I have been here for years. I see sexist stuff ALL THE TIME that makes me cringe. I say nothing, because there is nothing to be said. It just ... is.
But something has happened in the past two days that crossed a line for me.
I'm still trying to figure out what it is. I just know something isn't okay.

dag says...

Comment hidden because you are ignoring dag. (show it anyway)

If you find yourself having to begin sentences with "I'm not racist, but ..." you may be racist.

Likewise if you continue to find yourself defending accusations of sexism - you might want to spend some time examining your beliefs - maybe there's something going on there.

Not directing this at anyone - just putting it out there.

I don't have a problem with this being on the front page. These kinds of discussions are good for the Sift as long as we keep things civil.

Issykitty says...

As you know, there are a lot of dumb dumb DUUUUUUMB little boy-babies on this site as well as on the internets in general. They pretty much have a label on their foreheads. You've seen the reaction to certain videos. Always keep this in mind because I think it is very helpful and explains a lot. It's like a baby-boy tantrum to anything that points out an honest observation or sharing a personal perspective. Unfortunately posting this Sift Talk may have already sparked some hysterical pissy man-baby tantrums that may be impossible to stomach. There is always the ignore option. Also, Blankfist is a libertard, just sayin'.

Stingray says...

Normally I wouldn't be posting in this discussion, but I feel like I got semi-dragged into it by a video I posted a month ago and was essentially called out into this.

I don't generally get involved in conversations around here because I learned a long time ago that you're not going to win any prize for proving your point on the Internet. People are always going to believe what they want to believe, because everyone feels they are right on the matter, and reading words on a screen (usually written in anger) is not going to change their minds.

I visit VideoSift for videos, not discussion. If I like a video or think it's funny, I'll upvote it. Most videos I disagree with, I will never even watch to begin with.

When I posted the topless chair jousting video (http://videosift.com/video/Topless-Chair-Jousting-New-Olympic-Sport-for-2012), I basically figured it was a fun, stupid video that people would find funny. The women in the video are not being forced to do that against their will and appear to be having a fun time. They also have padding and helmets on to protect them from any injury.

As is common in television and radio, sex sells... and that's no different on the Internet. Videos that "shock and awe" people will get huge votes. I figured, if people don't like my video, they can downvote it. However, since the way VideoSift is driven is by its members, and the members with more star points have more power, then is it wrong of me to "sell" my videos to get more upvotes and star points?

That video sat around for a full month in my p-queue with no one voting on it, even with the words topless and blatant thumbnail showing breasts. No one cared because no one saw it, until today when it was seen and promoted.

My own opinion on this matter and on VideoSift in general is this:

If you don't like it, downvote it. That is the way the system works. VideoSift is much like the free world in general. You can post what you like, provided it doesn't break any rules... sometimes people post things for fun, others post for a cause.

I have already walked away from VideoSift twice before. I needed to take a break... I was sucking up too much of my time into competing for star points and not taking care of things in my life outside of the Internet. I came back slowly and I generally just lurk in the background.

I infrequently submit videos I find. Sometimes I see a video and think to myself "Wow, this video is great! Lots of people will upvote it!" or other times I see a video with subject matter that I care about and think it is worthy of a greater showing and submit them, even though I know they're just destined for my p-queue because no one will even bother watching them.

The point is, I've come to accept the fact that I just lurk in the background and I know that any videos I may post about what I may really care about probably won't get seen by anyone here. I also already know that at least half the people reading my post right now have already tuned out and don't really care what I have to say to begin with.

Gallowflak says...

I don't think it's fair to place the "women are offended" blame on people like Gwiz alone. Offensive comments are an obvious landmine; most people go around them, some people run up and jump on them. I have no idea if that makes any sense to people who aren't me.

Part of being in a community (especially and particularly an internet community) is trusting that the people you're with have the emotional maturity to deal with things in a sensible, coherent way, ESPECIALLY in the event that something you've said is offensive.

I guess I'm saying that something being offensive, and someone taking offense, are vastly different things. I feel like it's all completely fucking trivial, and getting worked up about it is an exercise in futility.

Sexism, domestic abuse and violence of a related sort? Those are the problems that deserve this kind of attention and scrutiny and energy. The sift is just commentary.

kymbos says...

We're a weird bunch of people, full of contradictions. Gwizz, for example, sifted the punching video intentionally to get a reaction, then complains about 'drama'. Ant downvotes blasphemy but upvotes a video depicting a man punching a woman in the genitals. I enjoy mysogyny in humour but can't abide violence against women. I'm also a flashing, drug addict idiot hipster, but that's another story.

Essentially, we could all get along with a bit of maturity and consideration, but this is the internet and that's not why we're here, mostly. And I'm ok with that.

And it's true - it's not all about you. It's all about me.

Lann says...

I think that complaining about petty little things like this depreciates the actual focus on real sexisim, domestic abuse, ect. Yeah I know misogyny exist (I did grow up with that shit) but I don't take every man online seriously when they make jokes about women. I don't know...maybe I'm naive and they really do want me to get them a sammich.

@spoco2 I think it's stupid to make up background about a video (or even worse about someone YOU DON'T EVEN KNOW) You like fart jokes some people like silly videos of young people punching each other in the genitals...to each their own.

I'm done with this baby mama drama...

Stormsinger says...

>> ^gwiz665:

I personally think that pushing this talk post to the frontpage is more damaging to the site than the jousting video. Talks and videos are separated for a reason, so the majority - who do not care at all about the talks - can just watch their videos instead of seeing this drama crap.

Well of course you do...you're one of the mouth-breathers who thinks people getting punched in the crotch is just good clean fun.

gwiz665 says...

I think I should clarify a little here.
1) The c-punching in question is here: http://videosift.com/video/The-new-Olympic-sport-Cunt-Punching

2) the "malicious" downvoting was a direct response to http://videosift.com/video/The-new-Olympic-sport-Cunt-Punching?loadcomm=1#comment-1204756 because I was annoyed that you votewhored so explicitly solely because it was a controversial video getting many views. It was not really fair to do it, so I'm sorry for that one.

3) The escalating talk against anyone who said they didn't like the C punch was nothing of the kind - it was escalating talk against the people who had nothing against the video. "All you people who like this video are bad people blah blah" I don't like people downvoting my videos, but that is their prerogative. I don't say they're bad people because of it.

I think it's interesting that you get all up in arms on behalf of the site. That seems like an excuse to remove things you don't like. The road to hell is paved with good intentions.

Oh the terror in having a boob on the front page. It's NSFW, it's hidden for people not logged in. We have had a legitimate video on the front page that was a straight up vagina shot (http://videosift.com/video/The-ins-and-outs-of-a-Vagina). Now, I'll certainly agree that, that thumbnail was a bit too much - like I said in the comments, if I could have changed the thumbnail at the time, I would have.

In any case, the sift is business as usual, so if something's crossed the line for you, maybe you've just moved the line. Anyways, I'm not gonna dig any deeper into this particular grave. I hope you get over it and come back reinvigorated to improving the sift one video at a time. You're a good sifter and you're good to have around here.

>> ^bareboards2:

What prompted this post wasn't the C punch, or the malicious downvoting of a vid of mine, or the escalating snarky talk against anyone who said they didn't like the C punch...
It was the promoting and qualitying of a vid with a naked woman, seated on a chair, head obscured. A bewb shot. On the front page. For the million plus visitors per month, or whatever we are at to see first.
I don't care about bewb shots. I have a pair.
It was the conscious decision to troll the whole site that I found offensive. It was meant to be demeaning. I felt demeaned. And it was meant to punish the site. And I'm sure it has cost the site.
Look, I have been here for years. I see sexist stuff ALL THE TIME that makes me cringe. I say nothing, because there is nothing to be said. It just ... is.
But something has happened in the past two days that crossed a line for me.
I'm still trying to figure out what it is. I just know something isn't okay.

gwiz665 says...

See, there's another one of those people calling someone a bad person for having a different opinion. Are people that enjoy Jackass also mouthbreathers, stormsinger? Fail troll is fail.
>> ^Stormsinger:

>> ^gwiz665:
I personally think that pushing this talk post to the frontpage is more damaging to the site than the jousting video. Talks and videos are separated for a reason, so the majority - who do not care at all about the talks - can just watch their videos instead of seeing this drama crap.

Well of course you do...you're one of the mouth-breathers who thinks people getting punched in the crotch is just good clean fun.

dystopianfuturetoday says...

Sexism is tolerated in our culture in a way that racism against African Americans is not. People who would never dream of saying 'nigger' in public have no problem saying bitch or cunt or raghead or fag. It's not because these people are bad, but because these people have been taught by society that such things can be said without fear of judgement or reprisal.

When these people do receive judgement and reprisal, they become highly defensive, because in their own minds, they aren't treating women with prejudice, they are playing by the rules sanctioned by the larger society. It's far easier for them to believe that you are uppity, oversensitive and politically correct than for them to believe they might have prejudice in their heart, but the fact that they are so vigilant in their response to you suggests to me that on some subconscious level, they suspect you are correct.

I want to reiterate what berticus said, in that this room features a bunch of white males trying to lecture a female on what does and does not constitute sexism. For my fellow dudes in this category, might I suggest you shut the fuck up and listen. bareboards isn't sharing a political or religious opinion here, she is expressing her genuine reaction to prejudice against her gender. It's not an opinion, it's a lesson.

Prejudice is prejudice, whether it is culturally acceptable or not. Ask a 'fag' or a 'bitch' or a 'raghead' if you want a broader perspective on what it feels like to be on the receiving end culturally sanctioned prejudice.

I agree that there is little you can do to change culture specific prejudice, but expressing yourself in a sift talk is a good thing. If people want to ridicule you for it, then fuck them. Doing the right thing is doing the right thing, even if you have no chance in hell at making a difference. In fact, I find it noble when someone does the right thing in spite of futility.

*quality for your true grit

dag says...

Comment hidden because you are ignoring dag. (show it anyway)

VideoSift would be a very different community then. It would be an interesting experiment - but I think it could remove some of the fun and camraderie.

>> ^campionidelmondo:

Just make voting anonymous and videos like that will never make it out of the pq. Also there'd be less drama and "omg so-and-so downvoted my video" bs.

dag says...

Comment hidden because you are ignoring dag. (show it anyway)

This is fun, right?>> ^dag:

VideoSift would be a very different community then. It would be an interesting experiment - but I think it could remove some of the fun and camraderie.
>> ^campionidelmondo:
Just make voting anonymous and videos like that will never make it out of the pq. Also there'd be less drama and "omg so-and-so downvoted my video" bs.

moodonia says...

"bunch of asshole men "

Well now I'm offended!

Seems to me that you either want to dictate what videos are acceptable or what exactly? Videos are sexist because you say so? Theres plenty on this site that disturbs, angers or even upsets me, at which point I scroll by or downvote.

"an unending assault against the sensibilities of women and those who truly care about women"
So you get to decide what is against the sensibilities of women, and who cares about them?

Anyway too late, too tired shouldnt have started typing.

bareboards2 says...

This IS my civil disobedience!

Most of these commenters want me to be silent. I know that. I knew that when I started this Sift Talk.

Did it anyway. And Dft wrote that magnificent comment.

I am one happy camper right now.

>> ^berticus:

@bareboards2, there have been a number of times that i've almost left this place due to people's stupid shit. but the reality is that you can't possibly get them to stop, and trying just encourages more stupidity, so... you're gonna have to take the good with the bad. of course, there's always the option of a little civil disobedience, too...

peggedbea says...

as someone who's been punched a lot, let me break this down for you.

from most pain to least pain (when causing pain is the intended goal)

1. cunt
2. boob
3. nose
4. back of the head
5. ribs
6. eye
7. cheek bone
8. jaw

>> ^Shepppard:

and it wasn't somewhere that would truly hurt. (getting hit in the boob, eye, or nose would hurt a helluva lot more, i'm sure.)

Stormsinger says...

>> ^gwiz665:

See, there's another one of those people calling someone a bad person for having a different opinion. Are people that enjoy Jackass also mouthbreathers, stormsinger? Fail troll is fail.
>> ^Stormsinger:
>> ^gwiz665:
I personally think that pushing this talk post to the frontpage is more damaging to the site than the jousting video. Talks and videos are separated for a reason, so the majority - who do not care at all about the talks - can just watch their videos instead of seeing this drama crap.

Well of course you do...you're one of the mouth-breathers who thinks people getting punched in the crotch is just good clean fun.

I'm not calling anyone a bad person for having a different opinion. I'm calling anyone who views violent abuse as entertainment or even acceptable behavior to be a lower form of life...and not really deserving of any form of respect. See the difference? Violence and abuse -is- bad. We are supposed to have learned that by the time we get out of...oh...kindergarten or so.

And yes, the majority of folks who find Jackass to be funny are exactly the sort of people I'm talking about. That's your audience, apparently...may you all have a blast beating each other silly. But don't start whining when people with any degree taste and empathy find your little show to be abhorrent.

Violence and abuse are never right. Gender, or even consent, has nothing to do with it.

NetRunner says...

I always feel like the best way to try to process these sorts of situations is to try to turn it into an opportunity to learn something.

So, when I watched the video, I got why the video was posted. I knew some people would think it was funny, some would think it was crass, and some would think it was creepily misogynist. I felt a mix of all three watching it myself.

What I don't get is the humorlessness of the people who insist on saying it's only funny, and that some grand injustice has been done when people voice the idea that it's crass or misogynistic.

It's not like it's the worst video in the world, but it's not like its comedic qualities are beyond reproach, so what's wrong with people saying they don't like it?

I just found that comment from LarsaruS just fucking weird. I single that one out because it's essentially a pristine example of the behavior I don't understand. Ignore the text for a moment, and just click on link #1. "Stop liking what I don't like." I'm sure that's meant to be words stuffed into the mouths of the "White Knights," but it's actually a perfect description of the comment the link is contained in. It's essentially saying "Stop not liking what I like."

Link #2 reads "Seems like you have a case of being a little bitch. I'm prescribing you a heavy dose of man the fuck up." Again, that's a perfectly valid critique of the comment it's embedded in. People don't like what you like, why does that bother you? Why not do as link #3 suggests and try not giving a fuck?

I get tons of crap thrown at me for, well, pretty much everything I say or post anymore. I expect to though, and while sometimes it frustrates me (and even on occasion actually upsets me), I don't let it get me bent out of shape because that's just one of the things that happens when you put yourself out there. I'm an opinionated loudmouth, I should expect other opinionated loudmouths to respond in kind.

The people who were offended just wanted to express themselves. Why lash out at them? Are you so insecure about your own actions? Do you think the world will end if not everyone shares your taste in humor? More to the point, if you think it's okay browbeat them into shutting up, aren't you guilty of doing the thing you inaccurately think is being done to you?

Should no one be permitted to ever say they're offended by anything, at any time, for any reason...because their doing so offends you?

rottenseed says...

I started to get mad, and then I thought: "wait, why am I getting mad about what a woman has to say...women aren't people"

...and then I remembered why I'm always happy and went back to masturbating to pictures objectifying women.

Shepppard says...

>> ^kymbos:

peggedbea, for the love of God stop interrupting!
Sheppard, you were telling us about the female anatomy. Pray please continue...

I'm sorry, are you trying to make fun of me for not knowing that?

I'm not a woman, nor have I ever hit one. I would assume that it hurt less because that's what I've been told, not having a vagina, that's basically all I have to go on. I've been told being hit in the boob hurts most, that's what I was going by.

Bea made a list, I'll respect it. I'm in no position to argue.

erikwdavis says...

also: >> ^dystopianfuturetoday:

might I suggest you shut the fuck up and listen. bareboards isn't sharing a political or religious opinion here, she is expressing her genuine reaction to prejudice against her gender.

The folks beating back against bareboards2 act as if she's being somehow censorious: she's taken an explicit position against censorship, but the general response seems to be incapable of comprehending the complexity of the position she's taking. Seriously: she's asking you to be responsible. It's difficult to enforce responsibility on the internet, and obviously a lot of folks end up acting and becoming trolls as a result (cf: psychopathy), but that's what's being asked of you: no more and no less. Sheesh.

kymbos says...

Yeah, I'm taking the piss at the audacity, after all that's been said about men telling women how to feel about sexism, of a man informing us what part of the female body hurts the most to be punched.
>> ^Shepppard:

>> ^kymbos:
peggedbea, for the love of God stop interrupting!
Sheppard, you were telling us about the female anatomy. Pray please continue...

I'm sorry, are you trying to make fun of me for not knowing that?
I'm not a woman, nor have I ever hit one. I would assume that it hurt less because that's what I've been told, not having a vagina, that's basically all I have to go on. I've been told being hit in the boob hurts most, that's what I was going by.
Bea made a list, I'll respect it. I'm in no position to argue.

smooman says...

>> ^Stormsinger:

>> ^gwiz665:
See, there's another one of those people calling someone a bad person for having a different opinion. Are people that enjoy Jackass also mouthbreathers, stormsinger? Fail troll is fail.
>> ^Stormsinger:
>> ^gwiz665:
I personally think that pushing this talk post to the frontpage is more damaging to the site than the jousting video. Talks and videos are separated for a reason, so the majority - who do not care at all about the talks - can just watch their videos instead of seeing this drama crap.

Well of course you do...you're one of the mouth-breathers who thinks people getting punched in the crotch is just good clean fun.

I'm not calling anyone a bad person for having a different opinion. I'm calling anyone who views violent abuse as entertainment or even acceptable behavior to be a lower form of life...and not really deserving of any form of respect. See the difference? Violence and abuse -is- bad. We are supposed to have learned that by the time we get out of...oh...kindergarten or so.
And yes, the majority of folks who find Jackass to be funny are exactly the sort of people I'm talking about. That's your audience, apparently...may you all have a blast beating each other silly. But don't start whining when people with any degree taste and empathy find your little show to be abhorrent.
Violence and abuse are never right. Gender, or even consent, has nothing to do with it.

god could you be more pretentious?

Stormsinger says...

>> ^smooman:

>> ^Stormsinger:
>> ^gwiz665:
See, there's another one of those people calling someone a bad person for having a different opinion. Are people that enjoy Jackass also mouthbreathers, stormsinger? Fail troll is fail.
>> ^Stormsinger:
>> ^gwiz665:
I personally think that pushing this talk post to the frontpage is more damaging to the site than the jousting video. Talks and videos are separated for a reason, so the majority - who do not care at all about the talks - can just watch their videos instead of seeing this drama crap.

Well of course you do...you're one of the mouth-breathers who thinks people getting punched in the crotch is just good clean fun.

I'm not calling anyone a bad person for having a different opinion. I'm calling anyone who views violent abuse as entertainment or even acceptable behavior to be a lower form of life...and not really deserving of any form of respect. See the difference? Violence and abuse -is- bad. We are supposed to have learned that by the time we get out of...oh...kindergarten or so.
And yes, the majority of folks who find Jackass to be funny are exactly the sort of people I'm talking about. That's your audience, apparently...may you all have a blast beating each other silly. But don't start whining when people with any degree taste and empathy find your little show to be abhorrent.
Violence and abuse are never right. Gender, or even consent, has nothing to do with it.

god could you be more pretentious?

Sure...but then you wouldn't be able to follow it, would you?

peggedbea says...

if someone isn't actually TRYING to hurt you, the boob is more sensitive. if someone wants to inflict pain, the delicate nerve endings in your labia and clitoris being slammed between a fist, a boot, a brick.. whatever.. and your pubic bone is horrific... but sure, an accidentally elbow to your nipple hurts like hell. >> ^Shepppard:

>> ^kymbos:
peggedbea, for the love of God stop interrupting!
Sheppard, you were telling us about the female anatomy. Pray please continue...

I'm sorry, are you trying to make fun of me for not knowing that?
I'm not a woman, nor have I ever hit one. I would assume that it hurt less because that's what I've been told, not having a vagina, that's basically all I have to go on. I've been told being hit in the boob hurts most, that's what I was going by.
Bea made a list, I'll respect it. I'm in no position to argue.

Shepppard says...

>> ^kymbos:

Yeah, I'm taking the piss at the audacity, after all that's been said about men telling women how to feel about sexism, of a man informing us what part of the female body hurts the most to be punched.
>> ^Shepppard:
>> ^kymbos:
peggedbea, for the love of God stop interrupting!
Sheppard, you were telling us about the female anatomy. Pray please continue...

I'm sorry, are you trying to make fun of me for not knowing that?
I'm not a woman, nor have I ever hit one. I would assume that it hurt less because that's what I've been told, not having a vagina, that's basically all I have to go on. I've been told being hit in the boob hurts most, that's what I was going by.
Bea made a list, I'll respect it. I'm in no position to argue.

Okay, simmer down. I didn't spit in your face, nor have I flat out insulted women, you're now just trying to pick a fight for some unknown reason. I said one thing that I've been told my entire life, I was raised by my mom, lived with my sister, and now I have 2 more sisters since my dad remarried.

The subject hasn't come up recently, but I've always been told that it doesn't hurt, and I've never cared to try for myself. If you want to take some sort of rage out at me for no reason at all, go nuts. But your logic for hating me currently escapes me.

smooman says...

>> ^Stormsinger:

>> ^smooman:
>> ^Stormsinger:
>> ^gwiz665:
See, there's another one of those people calling someone a bad person for having a different opinion. Are people that enjoy Jackass also mouthbreathers, stormsinger? Fail troll is fail.
>> ^Stormsinger:
>> ^gwiz665:
I personally think that pushing this talk post to the frontpage is more damaging to the site than the jousting video. Talks and videos are separated for a reason, so the majority - who do not care at all about the talks - can just watch their videos instead of seeing this drama crap.

Well of course you do...you're one of the mouth-breathers who thinks people getting punched in the crotch is just good clean fun.

I'm not calling anyone a bad person for having a different opinion. I'm calling anyone who views violent abuse as entertainment or even acceptable behavior to be a lower form of life...and not really deserving of any form of respect. See the difference? Violence and abuse -is- bad. We are supposed to have learned that by the time we get out of...oh...kindergarten or so.
And yes, the majority of folks who find Jackass to be funny are exactly the sort of people I'm talking about. That's your audience, apparently...may you all have a blast beating each other silly. But don't start whining when people with any degree taste and empathy find your little show to be abhorrent.
Violence and abuse are never right. Gender, or even consent, has nothing to do with it.

god could you be more pretentious?

Sure...but then you wouldn't be able to follow it, would you?

if you were more pretentious i wouldnt be able to follow it? what is "it"? your pretentiousness? I....do you even know what pretentious means? =(

spoco2 says...

So... erm, can we all just agree that gwiz likes looking at sex and women being hurt on the internet more than is healthy and get back to what the sift is supposed to be about, bashing religious folk and the conservative right?

legacy0100 says...

Hey Bareboards2,

I think you're really brave for taking on the mass public, and yet I worry that being logical and intellectual wouldn't necessarily be the winning game plan here

Just know that you're not going to radically change anybody's view anytime soon, but keep on voicing your opinion to let others know that you exist. Let people know that there are different viewpoints out there, and their way isn't the only important viewpoint.

Thank you for your effort.

As for the rest of the comments and arguments being posted on this board: TL;DR

krelokk says...

Bareboards2, this is a great post. As a male, I often feel disgusted by my own sex. I am very aware of the female perspective on the world, and the issues women must deal with at the hands of fucking idiotic 'men'. This is from having both casually studied the subject, and well... just giving a shit about the women in my life. In addition I have all these grand ideas about humanity improving itself.

I rarely post on here, but felt compelled to. For me, that video makes a joke out of violence against women. The way the guy spoke, all that, and then the action, plus the laughter that followed. I briefly considered 'oh equality issues, guys do videos like this all the time, what is wrong here?' but then rejected it quickly. A video like this would be more acceptable if it was two women doing jackass style jokes. But it isn't. Instead we get a video of a man 'punishing' this woman, that makes light of very real, and horrible issues in the world.

Most people on the planet are idiots, this includes a hell of a lot of ignorant men who can hardly empathize with another person, let alone the opposite sex. I also tend to find a lot of insecure men, who are so concerned/insecure about themselves in general, that they latch onto masculinity. They tend to feverishly defend anything that could shatter this, or make them think outside the box, which includes acknowledging women's continued inequality. Not saying everyone talking back about this is like what I've described, but some of them sure end up looking like it regardless.

I just wanted to say there are plenty of men out there that ARE aware of these issues, and care. Even if a lot of ignorant guys get loud. Dystopianfuturetoday made a great post as well.

joedirt says...

You are a dumb cunt. I've seen people run off the sift, some good women even.

You decide to make a line in the sand with cunt punching? I hope you realize that video is basically making a Jackass(tm) equivalent for tomgirls that have reached the same level of horsing around as men. It might be the most feminist video on the sift, but you got your panties in a bunch (yes I know degrading and sexist, but you are weak-minded it appears).

Of all the times to fight against misogynists, I think you fell on your crippled vag.

chipunderwood says...

Out of respect for bareboards2 and to indulge my surly, trollish, nature......

This site behaves like a mob-centered clique of tittering children most of the time. The same children who fancy themselves intelligent, erudite, progressive, etc. etc., blah blah blah....The majority and most vocal of those wielding power??-a gaggle of cheap-seat posers here sister, they can't help it-They were raised by the developmentally disabled on video games, too much Satanic television programming, and are victims of a socio-genetic program of disinformation, propaganda, and chemical brain alterations through municipal water, food additives. and pharmaceuticals. In short, those touting the most far-left liberal ideologies are the most full of absolute horse shit-their compasses having been damaged in a powerful magnetic storm of their own bullshit.

Sneaking in back doors through proxy servers with a handful of sock-puppets and an infamous former moniker, one man has forever stained the consciousness of the most stricken of these nit-wit fucks.....

False accusations fueled by passive-aggressive dicklessness was the "final straw" when some brown-nosing Assburger goaded-on another mental midget into a panty-knot whose skin happened to have more melanin than the person who addressed him as "monkey" AND "knuckle-dragger (as in, WE ALL CAME DOWN FROM TREES BUT SOME PEOPLE ARE A BIT THICKER AND SLOWER THAN OTHERS....HELLO!!?? YOU DUMB-ASSES!!) resulting in a fucking lynch-mob of inequity resulting in a permanent banjo.
Yeah, all you fuck-sticks who jumped on the bandwagon....The guy was black and falsely accused a white man of racism because he was a reactionary and ignorant of the engloish language, and IT SUITED HIS DYSFUNCTION TO DESTROY ANOTHER'S WORK...he never discussed SHIT with me....fucking asshole of a black man if ya ask me.....he's AWOL as well....thanks a lot ya fucking pussy, burdturgler.\

Suck my asshole white.

Fuck you all, trolls never die, especially those whose talent, creativity, and passion trump that of the no-life-hafvin' psychic vampires whose energy comes from sucking it from others more alive than themselves..... the Brits call 'em cunts, so I'm told.

I was going to wait until 10 published viddies until I came out to shove shit up the asses of those in need of a reverse colonic but when I see yet another female having to put up with sophomoric cocksuckers who couldn't get a date with male or female without paying and whose dicks are so misshapen from pulling their package they resemble some reptile in mid-peristalsis....

gwiz, yer a fucking cunt-wanking in your dormroom, playing shitty, soul-less guitar-You don't know it yet but you truly hate women....come out of the closet you do not know you are in, and find a nice hairy man.
BF, you haven't changed, as un-clever as ever. Get a fucking life. Take a bath you greasy little mole and Fuck your dead cat.
KP disappeared but he'll probably rear his cunt-head for another ban.
NetRuiner?? You cried and cried until your wife drew sympathy from her "hiatus" until the source of your pain was forever banished....boo fucking hoo...Notice how your fucking politics are getting shoved directly up your unconscious asses lately?? Fuck the both of you dick-less wonders. Met your type before...they grind the brain-shaped putties out of so-called institutions of higher learning with PhD's and masters degrees daily....most, retarded with no practical survival skills, spouting some party lines instead of snorting them. Try groupsex, perhaps your marriage will last.

DAG, fuck man, your site blows chunks anymore.....what ever happened to that guy choggie??
Oh. Yeah. You fucked him. Nah, it's worse. You sat back and let the rabble high-jack your site....Fuck You.

Hang in there bareboards2, or better yet, go out with a bang....leave your mark and show these children some serious girl-power....

Back as fast as you can say "Bhagwan kare tu aadhi raat gaadi chalate hue uski petrol khatm ho jaaye aur teri jeb mein phooti kaudi na ho."

blankfist says...

>> ^joedirt:

You are a dumb cunt. I've seen people run off the sift, some good women even.
You decide to make a line in the sand with cunt punching? I hope you realize that video is basically making a Jackass(tm) equivalent for tomgirls that have reached the same level of horsing around as men. It might be the most feminist video on the sift, but you got your panties in a bunch (yes I know degrading and sexist, but you are weak-minded it appears).

Of all the times to fight against misogynists, I think you fell on your crippled vag.

As hilarious as this comment is for all its crass wrongness, I will go on record saying I agree with joedirt for the content of the comment. Of all the things to get ireful about, a woman voluntarily exercising her sameness with men isn't one.

Maybe if there was a video of sexual harassment in the office everyone was going goo-goo for? But this seems to be simply something some of the more dramatic women on here consider to be showing other women in a light they dislike.

Hey, not all women moan about how terrible the men in their lives are. Some of them have actually good experiences with us, and believe it or not they actually like us. And we like them. Hell, we also love them. We love them because just like misery loves company for maybe some of you so does happiness. We choose the people we interact with on a day-to-day basis, and that includes those who treat us well or those who don't.

See, @berticus, I say some serious shit sometimes that doesn't involve statist idiots.

kymbos says...

Well! After all that, I guess the lesson to be learned here is... um...

ah, that no Sift meltdown is complete without a visit from choggie... and that blankfist cares about more than his politics afterall?

What a thread!

gwiz665 says...

I haven't read everything, I'm at work like a real grown up. I just want to say this: I am not engaging in this trollthread anymore. If you think that videosift is becoming youtube, look real hard at threads like these and consider who is turning the site into it.

Best regards.

bareboards2 says...

I was commiserating with spoco earlier about how he had to keep repeating his original point because nobody heard him.

Let me say this again.


I never had any trouble with the content of the C Punch video.

I do not know how else to say it. Except. I have no trouble with the content of that video.

Go back and read my words, if you doubt me. I never ever had a problem with that video. It is everything anybody has said about it -- a woman buying into stupid frat boy antics and trying to be part of the gang.

I feared that the video would unleash an ugly comment stream -- oh look, it did. Thanks, joedirt. Nice to meet you. And thanks for proving my point. And after it was posted, I had a problem with the title. And still I didn't say much -- I didn't have to, because the great and glorious @spoco2 had something to say.

I wrote this post after the promoting and qualitying of a vid onto the front page with a thumbnail of an anonymous naked woman. A bewb shot. It was the last straw after gritting my teeth with that C Punch TITLE promoted onto the front page the day before.

Enough was enough. I didn't like it.

Let me please direct your attention to the title of this Sift Post.

I am not enjoying the trolling on the Sift.

None of you had to come here. None of you had to comment. I am glad that you all did. Including joedirt (who doesn't love to be proved right? Who doesn't love to say I told you so? Especially a woman!)

And I am honored that apparently choggie showed up. He was gone before I started participating here. Hi Choggie!

Five years I have been coming to this site. Five years I have read all manner of sexist hogwash with barely a peep.

But the last two days... the last two days, something different was up. Something was happening that was qualitatively different. I couldn't remain silent anymore.

I really appreciate the PMs I have gotten. I really appreciate everyone who spoke up here today, especially @krelokk, who doesn't normally post. And @blankfist, you lovely man, I see you behind the trolling.

I am just rambling now. Sorry. I have spent way too much time on this today.

I love the Sift.

>> ^blankfist:

. Of all the things to get ireful about, a woman voluntarily exercising her sameness with men isn't one.

marinara says...

a woman watches a video of boys pressuring a woman. She objects in the comments,
boys in the comments start pressuring the women here. Sounds like a problem to me.

It's obvious that the sift has an atmosphere that's slightly female unfriendly.

shame we can't even agree on the obvious.
Anyhow, I'd like to preserve a female area without forcing us boys to behave like we're somewhat civilized.

bareboards2 says...

Allow me to point out -- one more time -- how I have to repeat the same point over and over again.

Nah. I'll just let him think that he said something intelligent that adds to the conversation.

>> ^marinara:

a woman watches a video of boys pressuring a woman. She objects in the comments,
boys in the comments start pressuring the women here.
It's obvious that the sift has an atmosphere that's slightly female unfriendly.
how about we let you have the femme channel, and we get the rest?

BoneyD says...

Since this topic has been brought to the front page, involving everyone in the debate over the reaction to what is ultimately a rather unspectacular video, I offer my two cents:

The video is unfunny, depicts the striking of a female by a male, presenting it as some sort of a dorm room dare contest.

There is no way to tell whether this 'activity' was truly consensual. Nor is it known whether all parties involved had each been striking each-others groins equally, where the female's (presumably) reduced upper body strength was accounted for. If the latter were the case and it wasn't just an excuse for the males to hit a girl as hard as they could, then it could be said that the female is a willing participant.

I find absolutely no humor in scenarios involving violence against any weaker party by those physically superior. However, the clip is also entirely without any context that might suggest a different dynamic here.

I wasn't there, I don't know the people or their personalities. Thus, I found it impossible to decide where I stood on it, as such I did not vote and then moved on.

draak13 says...


I love that you've posted something so meaningful here. I don't normally get involved, but this is just very worthwhile. That people actually do put emotion into this is why the sift is actually cool sometimes.

I was trying to go back and look at the ugly comments that came out of it. There were 1 or 2 shots from the peanut gallery about how they thought it was funny, and reminded them of some other video they posted. Then the predictable battle came out of it, with the people who actually did have problems with the content of the video, and the people who didn't.

I'm trying to understand which comments you thought were ugly. The posts I found that were attempting to support this video were along the lines of, 'if it were a guy being punched, nobody would be this upset.' I didn't see a lot outside of that...but I can't believe that this is what you're upset about, because you yourself posted, 'How different would this conversation have been if the title had been "Equality Achieved -- Women are just as stupid as Men". The same war would have inevitably happened if that were the title; spoco2 would have posted how horrible it is and attempted to shame everyone else for being entertained by it, and that would kick off the debate.

I'm also surprised by your upset at people upvoting a boobshot. I personally think the sift could be a little higher minded as well, but you actually supported gwiz665 in his telling people to 'lighten up' when they were concerned about this sort of smut being on the front page. So, this doesn't seem particularly consistent...

After all of that, I'm trying to come up with a logical conclusion about what your upset with all of this really is about. At least at some point in time in all of this, you were OK with the content of the video, OK with low-brow womanizing junk being on the front page, and OK with comments on comparisons of sexual equity. So, by 'ugly comments,' are you merely upset that a serious and lengthy conversation happened?

If that truly is the case, then what you call ugly, I call character-growing. I saw a lot of ideas expressed, and it really opened my mind up to the number of ways that such an asinine prank could be interpreted. Just because a conversation went on for a long time doesn't mean it was 'trolled to death,' it could just mean it was very worth discussing. A lot of very good ideas and concerns were raised in the frey of all of it, and I think it was absolutely excellent.

marinara says...

yeah well said draak13.
I take your point, bareboards, that "you don't like the trolling here on the sift"
the problem is, that blankfist is a good troll. He's not going to break the rules here, he's just going to needle you (with sarcasm and pigheadedness) until you lose your temper.

I don't see a solution here.
The people that you want to see muzzled are completely unlikely to do so voluntarily.

another website would just hire a moderator who would just start deleting sexist comments. Just the thing i don't like.

draak13 says...

Kinda...but not completely =P. Some people like blankfist are cynical in their style, but I'm not sure that this cynicism was the motivation for starting this thread. I was more attempting to introduce the idea that bareboards may be interpreting any long and engaged discussion as a huge troll session...whereas maybe it's really just a long and involved discussion.

>> ^marinara:

yeah well said draak13.
I take your point, bareboards, that "you don't like the trolling here on the sift"
the problem is, that blankfist is a good troll. He's not going to break the rules here, he's just going to needle you (with sarcasm and pigheadedness) until you lose your temper.
I don't see a solution here.
The people that you want to see muzzled are completely unlikely to do so voluntarily.
another website would just hire a moderator who would just start deleting sexist comments. Just the thing i don't like.

NicoleBee says...

I've actually built a bunker in my user page and go there whenever things get obnoxious like they sometimes do. If you want to come, it has beans and adrianblack animations stockpiled!

enoch says...

>> ^enoch:

so i had this long and obtuse rant ready to rock-n-roll and then i realized that i didnt care.


who am i kidding?
this ball-infested circle-jerk is waaay too much fun to ignore.
now the topic i really dont give two shits about.
because by these comments it appears that some people have taken their crystal ball out and peered into their fellow sifters gooey parts and discerned their intentions.
THATS the ruler you are going to use to understand and comprehend another?
well then call me schizophrenic because that is just the most intellectually lame thing i have ever heard.
how about this different and radical approach when confronted with a comment or post you may not fully understand.
ask the poster what they meant by it.
i KNOW...crazy huh?
because i see a LOT of assumptions about fellow sifters here on this thread.representing a microcosm of presumption which i see all the time here.
and this presumption is based on WHAT..exactly?
lame lame lame.
in particular i refer to the comments towards qwiz.do you know qwiz?or are you basing your perceptions solely on his snarky (and mysoginist) comments?

many different voices have left the sift or receded to their "quiet place" because of this intellectually stunted practice.
because group-think has slowly drained these people of any desire to share or to even offer their voices to the amalgamated conversation which is the sift.
so what was once a vibrant and often chaotic discourse has become a much more vanilla-pastuerized-bland cookie with little or no flavor and the crunch has become a flaccid, milky piece of toast.

and no offense BB but this thread is about as civil disobedient as pulling the tags off your pillow.

now pass the popcorn @rottenseed

Duckman33 says...

>> ^BoneyD:

There is no way to tell whether this 'activity' was truly consensual.

Other than the fact that she voluntarily sits and waits to get punched and verbally affirms that she understands whats about to happen to her and acknowledges that she knew what she was getting into before she got into it that is. You people really need to quit making up "facts" about what is happening in this video, please. It's quite obvious if you simply pay attention to what's going on, and actually listen to what's being said.

residue says...

aah, those were the days, weren't they? nostalgia

>> ^rottenseed:

>> ^blankfist:
But seriously, joedirt came in here and fucked shit up, didn't he?

hell yea he did...he was all like "dumb cunt" and we were like "aaaaaahhhh sheeeeeeeiiiiiiiit. it's about to go doowwwwwwwwwn"

blankfist says...

>> ^residue:

aah, those were the days, weren't they? nostalgia
>> ^rottenseed:
>> ^blankfist:
But seriously, joedirt came in here and fucked shit up, didn't he?

hell yea he did...he was all like "dumb cunt" and we were like "aaaaaahhhh sheeeeeeeiiiiiiiit. it's about to go doowwwwwwwwwn"

Yeah, but then dag came in here all like "we gotta banninate" and joedirt was all like "I can't reply because I was banninated" and it was all like King's Speech up in this bitch.

residue says...

yea, yea dude and then blankfist was all like "But seriously, joedirt came in here and fucked shit up, didn't he?"

>> ^blankfist:

>> ^residue:
aah, those were the days, weren't they? nostalgia
>> ^rottenseed:
>> ^blankfist:
But seriously, joedirt came in here and fucked shit up, didn't he?

hell yea he did...he was all like "dumb cunt" and we were like "aaaaaahhhh sheeeeeeeiiiiiiiit. it's about to go doowwwwwwwwwn"

Yeah, but then dag came in here all like "we gotta banninate" and joedirt was all like "I can't reply because I was banninated" and it was all like King's Speech up in this bitch.

NetRunner says...

>> ^residue:

yea, yea dude and then blankfist was all like "But seriously, joedirt came in here and fucked shit up, didn't he?"
>> ^blankfist:
>> ^residue:
aah, those were the days, weren't they? nostalgia
>> ^rottenseed:
>> ^blankfist:
But seriously, joedirt came in here and fucked shit up, didn't he?

hell yea he did...he was all like "dumb cunt" and we were like "aaaaaahhhh sheeeeeeeiiiiiiiit. it's about to go doowwwwwwwwwn"

Yeah, but then dag came in here all like "we gotta banninate" and joedirt was all like "I can't reply because I was banninated" and it was all like King's Speech up in this bitch.

Remember when the platform was sliding into the fire pit and I said "Goodbye" and you were like "No way!" And then I was all "We pretended we were going to murder you?" That was great!

Sorry, I'm just getting a serious Portal vibe here. How about this:

Well here we are again,
It’s always such a pleasure,
Remember when you tried to kill me fuck shit up twice?
Oh, how we laughed and laughed,
Except I wasn’t laughing,
Under the circumstances I’ve been shockingly nice.

rottenseed says...

I actually downvoted the jousting vid out of my own disgust that they weren't both topless. If I had known that upvoting it would've enraged somebody, I would've douplepromote quality'd that mofo.

gwiz665 says...

You're reading far too much into it man. I didn't post the video of the boob rolling, I just thought it was funny. I'm allowed to promote all I like. My view of women is fine. I'm engaged and I have plenty of female friends. I also do not want the sift to turn into pornsift, that would suck. I do want people to stupid videos are little less seriously and focus on the videos that they like. There's plenty of content here, enough to satisfy any need, be it obscure animation to awesome jazz, to old interviews with einstein. Just because a few videos that aren't to your taste comes by, don't throw the baby out with the bathwater. You're allowed to be a stick in the mud, that's totally your right. You are also very much allowed to hate the video I posted and downvote it. It's a stupid video, I know it. That's what downvotes are for.

"He's got real problems with women and wants to turn videosift into redtube!!" <- that's just you inventing a narrative in true fox fashion to suit your needs. I don't have any problems with women and videosift is fine the way it is.
Why doesn't anyone think of the poor frog in all this?? It's the pinnacle of sifting with a whopping 138 votes.

@spoco2 said "* Gwiz... *sigh* I have gone back and forth thinking you've got real issues with sex and women and that no, you're just misunderstood. But after you posting this video and trying to suggest it has merit, and then promoting the topless one, and the known history of yourself and members here IRL, I'm starting to think your view of women is being seriously affected by a diet entirely too rich in internet porn. Why do you constantly feel the need to bring that shit to the sift? Porn and sexism is EVERYWHERE on the internet, why does it have to be here? Why can this not be a place where women can come without feeling like it's a boy's club? Fuck man, just get your porn fix somewhere else and come here after you've cum... "

Baera says...

I've come to know the sift as a type of "internet fraternity" and I would say that people are mistaken if they think the culture here would be better summed up as "inclusive of all people", rather than the former. When I first started visiting this site, I was surprised at what kind of comments that the community here allowed. Then over time I saw that there are a number of individuals that dedicate themselves to being "great trolls" and spend so much time doing so, that I realized that there's no room for reason here (and it influences the narrative of almost every video I read the comments on). I would say that I feel sorry for them, but they seem to have a place to express themselves without having to deal with everyday norms.

Keep in mind, I stopped reading comments here a long time ago, so the culture might be different now.

oxdottir says...

I don't come here very often anymore. When I do, this is the ONE representation of the sift showing up on the front page.

I think wanting to put this on the front page was misguided. I also think bringing this up makes all the people behaving the worst feel all warm and fuzzy about their willingness to speak the truth in the face of obsessive political correctness. I see a few comments from people I think well of, but honestly, I would rather not have seen any of it.

There will always be disgusting things here. Keep them clearly labled, and I will avoid them. I read this because I was sympathetic to the topic, but I wish I hadn't. THIS POST, and not the original video, is why I, a woman, don't come here very often.

rottenseed says...

>> ^oxdottir:

I don't come here very often anymore. When I do, this is the ONE representation of the sift showing up on the front page.
I think wanting to put this on the front page was misguided. I also think bringing this up makes all the people behaving the worst feel all warm and fuzzy about their willingness to speak the truth in the face of obsessive political correctness. I see a few comments from people I think well of, but honestly, I would rather not have seen any of it.
There will always be disgusting things here. Keep them clearly labled, and I will avoid them. I read this because I was sympathetic to the topic, but I wish I hadn't. THIS POST, and not the original video, is why I, a woman, don't come here very often.

For you I will behave. There's some people that, without, the sift is lacking

oxdottir says...

To be clear, its the comment stream that ooks me out. The original video was banal and unpleasant. Worthy of downvote. Ho-hum. Move on. But the comment stream was disgusting. The kind of thing that makes me glad that my real name and address are not obvious to the rabble here.

But the VS regulars behave poorly when poked. And I sympathized with those in favor of rabid free speech. I just wish more of their free speech was devoted to evidence that they appreciated what a culture of violence and female-centered hate does to the world.

bareboards2 says...

I was deliberately vague in my Sift Talk opening, because I didn't want to get into an argument about specifics. I wanted to convey an idea, not argue back and forth. (By the way, my actual questions were never answered, not that I really expected them to be.)

There has been a lot of speculation on what pushed me over the edge into starting a Sift Talk, after 5 years of reading comments here. I know the culture. I have grown calloused, burlapped undie'd up, to quote dag. I even, after some initial horror, have grown to understand the nature of "sexist" comments, a little bit. They don't bother me as much as they used to. I see them, I sigh, I move on, sometimes I even enjoy them. So why now? What happened that pushed me over the edge?

I couldn't have answered coherently a couple of days ago. I think I can now.

It actually started two months ago. @Morganth posted a great video, part of a series.


There were some great, thoughtful responses to this video. There were also some increasingly ugly, misogynist, hateful, ignorant comments. Each new ugly comment spawned another. I kept hoping it would drop into the archives, but instead, it sifted to the Top 15, with over 100 votes -- clearly not because of the content of the video, but because of the feeding frenzy of ugly comments, specifically targeted towards women. That video's comment thread could be used as a case study of unconscious -- and perhaps conscious -- male anger and hatred towards women. It could also be used to show the deep ignorance of men about what it means to be a woman. (Before you jump on me, believe me I know that most women are ignorant of the pressures put on men. But this isn't a contest about who has been hurt worst by cultural stereotypes and expectations, who is the bigger victim. I have been saying since 1974 that men need to fight against their oppression just as women had begun to.)

I also thought -- man, the Sift is being to change, who are all these people, this isn't the Sift I know and love. This is qualitatively different than the normal razzing that goes on here.

I didn't say anything. I just gritted my teeth and waited for it to go away. It eventually did.

Then a couple of days ago, eric -- who is one of my favorite people on the Sift, kind, observant, generous, a true feminist/humanist -- posted a link to what would become the C Punch vid in the sift lounge and said -- hey, somebody post this, this cracks me up. (He does that all the time -- shares links to vids. I have gotten several Top 15 vids and I think even one #1 -- eric is generous, remember?)

I watched it. I saw -- as I have said elsewhere -- what everyone else saw -- a woman trying to fit into an existing clique, wanting to belong, who allowed herself to be hit in accordance with the "rules" of the group. I have opinions about the idiocy of a pack of males and what their senses of humor devolve to, but I didn't think she was any more pressured than any man would have felt in the same group.

I also knew -- suspected -- feared -- that the troll crowd that showed up for the advertising vid would come out in force. That something really ugly would be unleashed. I didn't think that men who clearly have a problem with women (the new crowd from the advertising vid) would understand what was happening in the vid. That all they would see was a woman being hit in the genitals, and the feeding frenzy would begin.

I tried to stop the posting of the vid. Out of fear of what might happen.

And then it didn't. Because spoco2 spoke up quickly, became the human sacrifice, and the conversation got heated, intricate and wordy. It didn't devolve -- well, it devolved, but it devolved as most heated discussions do here. I was fine with that.

What I wasn't fine with, was the title. The title did not match the video. The title reflected (sorry gwiz, I know the word has different connotations in Denmark) my worst misogynist nightmare. I am not going to explain the nuances of why that is so -- I tried in the sift lounge after the fact, and I realized that if you aren't a woman, it is too complicated to communicate in this medium.

But the description of the vid was worse -- REALLY had nothing to do with the video, only had to do with the systemic, cultural violence towards women (sorry, gwiz, I know for you it was a joke. It wasn't for me.)

There are also generational differences, and experience differences, and not every woman would react the same way I did. So I didn't take any positive action to fix my distress -- it isn't up to me to enforce my views onto others.

But then it got promoted. By eric, who I adore, who I knew liked the vid (because it showed a woman acting as stupid as a man, which is funny theoretically). To the front page. With THAT title. And then it got promoted again, by someone who linked to a vid that was clearly domestic violence and was exactly the kind of comment that I feared beforehand (sorry Lasurus, I have no idea of you personally, but guy, please know -- that was Not. Cool.)

Now I am really beginning to feel uncomfortable. Promoted to the front page. Having to look at that title every time I came to the Sift (which is too much, but that is my particular brand of OCD.) But still I don't do anything, because hey, it is just my opinion. I'll wait for it to slide down into the archives.

But it couldn't be left to die away. A vid that reduced a woman to her naked torso in the thumbnail was promoted twice and qualitied. To the front page. Where I can't avoid it. It felt like there was an (unconscious) assault against women would never end, and that what I felt during the advertising comment stream was now spilling out onto the front page of the Sift. And yes, I know it was all meant as a joke, but it was increasingly not funny, it was increasingly uncomfortable to be a woman here.

Someone helped me find a solution to that problem -- I sent the vid to discuss and asked that the thumbnail be changed. Having a blatant bewb shot stuck at the top of the page wasn't good for the Sift, with its millions of visitors. That was clear to me and I knew that changing the thumbnail was a reasonable action, not just my personal queasiness.

But that is when I broke. When I got pushed over the edge. The advertising video making Top 15 with its horrendous comment stream, C Punch as the (inaccurate) title on a promoted vid, and then the trolling of pushing a thumbnail to the front page -- it was a combination of events that proved too much for me.

I needed to speak up. I did not want to stay silent anymore. I needed to break the polite silence.

But even then -- all I said was I didn't like it. And that I don't understand this need to be provoking and shocking -- one of my first interactions with blankfist was to send him a PM, asking him to explain to me what the thrill of trolling is. (He never answered me. But it was an honest question.)

You would have thought that I took an axe to the genitals of every man on the sift. For saying I didn't like it.

I find that amusing in the extreme. Netrunner figured it out. There is the most vicious trolling and personal attacks on the Sift ALL THE TIME. But a reasonable person speaks up and says "I don't like that?" WTF!

Look at the number of comments here. Just who are the sensitive, thin-skinned ones? And if you have the courage to ask yourself -- just how much of your anger is rooted in the cultural pressures you have been subjected to your whole life? (That is a college course or five years of therapy -- I'm not going to unpack that sentence for you.)

Women have been told to shut up and be nice for centuries. I have stayed silent for years here (not perfectly silent, I'm sure you can find examples proving that statement wrong -- but believe me, I have been silent far far far FAR more than I have said things.)

And now I spoke up. Said my piece. Learned some things about myself, and how I might use different tactics in the future to deal with things that disturb me, met some really cool new folks, and I have fallen in love with the Sift all over again.

bareboards2 says...

And by "ole softie", I am of course referring to your penis.


Oh! Except you can't!!

*booyah and *doublerimshot

>> ^bareboards2:

You stopped yourself because you know it is actually the best vagina monologue EVAR.
You ole softie.
>> ^blankfist:
Worst. Vagina. Mono--
Oh, nevermind.

dystopianfuturetoday says...

hahaha... joedearth awkwardly barges in after a long hiatus and promptly gets himself banned. Classic. >> ^joedirt:

You are a dumb cunt. I've seen people run off the sift, some good women even.
You decide to make a line in the sand with cunt punching? I hope you realize that video is basically making a Jackass(tm) equivalent for tomgirls that have reached the same level of horsing around as men. It might be the most feminist video on the sift, but you got your panties in a bunch (yes I know degrading and sexist, but you are weak-minded it appears).

Of all the times to fight against misogynists, I think you fell on your crippled vag.

gwiz665 says...

@bareboards2 to your comments directly relating to me.

The title was deliberately over the top. The word doesn't carry as much weight outside of the US as it does there, and it was deliberately chosen to cause as much outrage as possible (but not this kind of outrage). Lann did want me to call it "Cooter punching", but I said fuck that and went all out. I'm sorry that you felt particularly hurt by it, it was a joke.

The description is also a joke of course - I have a persona to maintain, and boy do I maintain it. I do think you have a thin skin, and I'm sympathetic - I really am, but I think you should say your piece in the comment of the video "I really don't like this and this is why (...)" or, if it's title and description you have a problem with, you could speak directly with the poster in private PMs. In this case moi.

Regarding the video larsarus posted, I don't like it either. I love my nordic brother (or you know, as much as you can love a Swede.. ), but that video was a lot worse than the one I posted, in my view, because it seems like the girl isn't in on the joke. So that's a whole other level of abuse/violence.

I'm not sure I even saw the thumbnail of the boob video before I promoted it, so I didn't troll you with that deliberately. It wasn't even aimed at you, it was aimed at the many white knights who said "it's never, ever, ever OK that a women is hurt by anything" (I wanted to say violence, but really it's too harsh of a word for what happened in the jousting video).

I'll end with this. I'm sorry that you felt so bad about the incidents. I'm sorry that the other people who decried the stuff felt bad. The title/description was over the top by design, so it was bound that some people would be pissed about it - I'm OK with that - that was the joke. It'll probably happen again some time, maybe not by me, but maybe by me. By then I hope you'll take it for what it is, or at least have built up more of a resistance to it. Or hell, just grab me by the collar in a PM and say what's on your mind.

bareboards2 says...

I'm heading over to finish the PM conversation that you and I have already started, gwiz.

But I do want to say publicly -- you are not the arbitrator of all Perfect Actions on the Sift. I am my own person, and I can react and comment and do anything I damn well please, within the written guidelines of the Sift and using my own personal interior compass.

As do you, my friend. You do what you please.

Please accord me the same respect that you demand for yourself.

Right? Isn't it about freedom here? No censorship?

Congratulations on your wedding. I hope that there was much kissing, and confetti, and funky/pretty/stylish wedding outfits and of course GREAT HAIR.

>> ^gwiz665:

Or hell, just grab me by the collar in a PM and say what's on your mind.

bareboards2 says...

Sooooo.. why hasn't my funny funny troll on blankfist gotten any upvotes? @rottenseed? You like a good troll.... where's your upvote?

This is a serious question -- why not a single upvote, guys?

>> ^bareboards2:

And by "ole softie", I am of course referring to your penis.
Oh! Except you can't!!
booyah and doublerimshot
>> ^bareboards2:
You stopped yourself because you know it is actually the best vagina monologue EVAR.
You ole softie.
>> ^blankfist:
Worst. Vagina. Mono--
Oh, nevermind.

residue says...

Actually, I don't even understand the second half of the "zing" Except he can't "what?" There's no adjective verb(edit) in the phrase "You ole softie"

As a side note, here is a fun game my wife and I regularly play. One of us says "Gimmie a 50 (or any number between 0-100)" where the number indicates a percent capacity of punch power. The other person then applies a "50" to the abdomen of the requester. It's hilarious and performed in public regularly with the highest regularity in theme parks where we're waiting in line. Is she pressured into this? No. Is she scared of me? No. She is simply a bad-ass. Maybe the girl in the video is also a bad-ass and enjoys physical abuse when it's funny. She's probably in a dorm, hanging with her friends. This stuff happens, and doesn't really necessitate any sense of pressure unless you want it to

>> ^bareboards2:

Sooooo.. why hasn't my funny funny troll on blankfist gotten any upvotes? @rottenseed? You like a good troll.... where's your upvote?
This is a serious question -- why not a single upvote, guys?
>> ^bareboards2:
And by "ole softie", I am of course referring to your penis.
Oh! Except you can't!!
booyah and doublerimshot
>> ^bareboards2:
You stopped yourself because you know it is actually the best vagina monologue EVAR.
You ole softie.
>> ^blankfist:
Worst. Vagina. Mono--
Oh, nevermind.

bareboards2 says...

Someone explained to me in a PM that I meant rimjob and that rimshot wasn't a sex act, that he had figured out that I was perversely (I love that! perverse!) substituting a penis for a tongue.

If you have to explain a joke, it isn't funny.

But still... I have been honestly calling blankie an ole softie for months now. Turning it into a penis joke is still funny. That wasn't confusing.

So no upvotes on a flaccid penis joke made by a woman? Why isn't that funny?

As for your 50 game -- it's all about trust, isn't it? She trusts you, you trust her. You give each other time to prepare -- Houdini took shots to the stomach as a living, after all. You are messing with people's minds and expectations in those public places -- I see the joke.

But do I have to say this YET ONE MORE TIME? I guess so.... I have no problem with the C punch vid. That woman was under no more pressure than a man would have been in the same situation. I don't think it was a dorm room though, I think they were members of the same military unit (check out her sweatshirt). It was the title that bothered.

>> ^residue:

Actually, I don't even understand the second half of the "zing" Except he can't "what?" There's no adjective verb(edit) in the phrase "You ole softie"
As a side note, here is a fun game my wife and I regularly play. One of us says "Gimmie a 50

residue says...

@bareboards2 sorry, the second half of that comment wasn't really directed to you personally, it was just a general statement about any woman's right to be just as "stupid" as men in general. The only part of the comment specifically directed your way was the confusion about the rottenseed joke. Since you asked why no one is appreciating your hilarity, I answered: I didn't "get it"

bareboards2 says...

Oh, I am the sorry one -- everyone keeps making comments about how I didn't like the C punch vid when I have said repeatedly I didn't have a problem with it. I misunderstood you -- I thought you were talking about me. It's hard to tell when a comment is directed to me (since I wrote the sift talk post) and when it is more general. My bad.

I think most everybody is on-board with acknowledging that Eric was right in his assessment of it -- it is a vid of a woman being a stupid as a man. Some find that funny, some don't, but that is just a matter of taste.

>> ^residue:

@bareboards2 sorry, the second half of that comment wasn't really directed to you personally, it was just a general statement about any woman's right to be just as "stupid" as men in general. The only part of the comment specifically directed your way was the confusion about the rottenseed joke. Since you asked why no one is appreciating your hilarity, I answered: I didn't "get it"

rottenseed says...

A)I stopped paying attention to this thread, I just clicked on it because I wanted to see how that cool troll logo was assigned to it

B) That wasn't a troll, that was a joke. And you don't solicit your jokes after saying (writing) them. That's the equivalent of saying a joke IRL then going "right guys? heh heh"

The joke was ok, but the timing was off. I feel like this thread isn't getting much action anymore. However I encourage you to try out your newly acquired roasting hobby in a more current video/sift-talk. >> ^bareboards2:

Sooooo.. why hasn't my funny funny troll on blankfist gotten any upvotes? @rottenseed? You like a good troll.... where's your upvote?
This is a serious question -- why not a single upvote, guys?
>> ^bareboards2:
And by "ole softie", I am of course referring to your penis.
Oh! Except you can't!!
booyah and doublerimshot
>> ^bareboards2:
You stopped yourself because you know it is actually the best vagina monologue EVAR.
You ole softie.
>> ^blankfist:
Worst. Vagina. Mono--
Oh, nevermind.

bareboards2 says...

Oh. Okay.

I thought maybe it wasn't funny because it struck too close to a real sensitive fear that men have, of being able to "perform." And for a woman to make a "joke" about it -- WAY too uncomfortable.

Although I really did think it was possible that, given the context, it would be perceived as funny. I meant it as funny. I really thought @blankfist would think it was funny, a gotcha joke, a play on all the times I have warm fuzzied him by calling him truly soft-hearted. And on this particular sift talk, I thought it was even funnier.

But nooooo. Nobody thinks it is funny. Not a one. I didn't intend this, but it is like this attempted joke is radioactive.

I mean, even rottenseed doesn't troll me -- for the first time ever, you have communicated with me in a non-troll voice.


And I think that is hysterical, given this sift talk topic.

>> ^rottenseed:

A)I stopped paying attention to this thread, I just clicked on it because I wanted to see how that cool troll logo was assigned to it
B) That wasn't a troll, that was a joke. And you don't solicit your jokes after saying (writing) them. That's the equivalent of saying a joke IRL then going "right guys? heh heh"
The joke was ok, but the timing was off. I feel like this thread isn't getting much action anymore. However I encourage you to try out your newly acquired roasting hobby in a more current video/sift-talk.

blankfist says...

@bareboards2, well, I've got something to add to @rottenseed's comment.

You started a Sift Talk post about sexist comments/videos being a source of contention for you, then you make an attempt at an emasculating joke about my soft penis. I understand most modern feminists are of the cake-and-eat-it-too variety, but when it's that on the face it just has zero comedic punch.

But what's most important is that it isn't that my penis is soft, it's that it's very very tiny. See? Also not a funny joke, but by me reciprocating the humor I'm communicating that everything is right in the world once again.

bareboards2 says...

There's my blankie!

And yeah -- I made a sexist joke. One. Made into a steaming boiling cauldron of sexist jokes made over years and years towards women.

The fact that I would make that sexist joke ON THIS SIFT TALK POST is part of the joke.

And that one. Little. Tiny (yes tiny) joke was TOO MUCH.

None of you saw the humor.

And I find that HYSTERICAL.

AND @rottenseed talked to me! And you did too! Like you were real people!

I am so happy I can't hardly stand it.

>> ^blankfist:

Let me show you how it's done.

Q: What do you do when your dishwasher breaks?
A: Hit her.


rottenseed says...

This just further solidifies the idea that you have no sense of humor. It's ok, not everybody is perfect, but you're a woman so that shouldn't be news to you.>> ^bareboards2:

Oh. Okay.
I thought maybe it wasn't funny because it struck too close to a real sensitive fear that men have, of being able to "perform." And for a woman to make a "joke" about it -- WAY too uncomfortable.
Although I really did think it was possible that, given the context, it would be perceived as funny. I meant it as funny. I really thought @blankfist would think it was funny, a gotcha joke, a play on all the times I have warm fuzzied him by calling him truly soft-hearted. And on this particular sift talk, I thought it was even funnier.
But nooooo. Nobody thinks it is funny. Not a one. I didn't intend this, but it is like this attempted joke is radioactive.
I mean, even rottenseed doesn't troll me -- for the first time ever, you have communicated with me in a non-troll voice.
And I think that is hysterical, given this sift talk topic.

>> ^rottenseed:
A)I stopped paying attention to this thread, I just clicked on it because I wanted to see how that cool troll logo was assigned to it
B) That wasn't a troll, that was a joke. And you don't solicit your jokes after saying (writing) them. That's the equivalent of saying a joke IRL then going "right guys? heh heh"
The joke was ok, but the timing was off. I feel like this thread isn't getting much action anymore. However I encourage you to try out your newly acquired roasting hobby in a more current video/sift-talk.

bareboards2 says...

Ah, the refuge of men in the face of female superiority -- saying stupid and clearly, patently false stuff.

Come on. Admit it.

You can't take a good penis joke.

No sense of humor indeed!

>> ^rottenseed:

This just further solidifies the idea that you have no sense of humor.

bareboards2 says...

Ah! The theme of racism returns!

Uppity is a word usually associated with certain people.

And so I get to say I TOLD YOU SO -- sexism and racism are similar!

Nanner nanner boo boo.

(Image of me dancing) I am right! I am right!!!

>> ^blankfist:

Okay, you've had your fun being all uppity. But lunch ain't gonna cook itself, and we're hungry.

braindonut says...

This probably isn't a very useful addition to the conversation, but... I have found that I'm not very good at discerning the difference between simple jokes and actual sexism. I'm pretty good at identifying blatant examples of sexism, but so much of what's being talked here about lives in that grey area that I have trouble navigating. Often times, I can understand why someone could be upset, but I can't completely relate either, because it doesn't seem worth being upset over. Bad, dark jokes make me laugh, simply because they are bad...

What's really hard for me is discerning when something crosses the line from funny to offensive. It's only hard because that line gets drawn in a different location for each individual person... To some, I may be sexist for telling a joke - to others, I was just telling a really bad joke.

But the one thing I appreciate about VideoSift, regardless of all this, is that people speak up and share their thoughts, even if they aren't popular. So I hope you don't get too discouraged because of your recent frustrations. The fact that this thread exists is what I like so much about this site. But I also hope the people you are in disagreement with don't get discouraged either.

bareboards2 says...

I wrote a long private PM to braindonut, thanking him in detail for this comment and for his concern and support.

But I want to repeat one thing publicly....

I am puzzled as to his concern that the people I am "in disagreement" with don't get "discouraged".

They have free rein on this site 24/7. I've read all sorts of stuff that has been uncomfortable for me for five years. There have been plenty of folks on this Sift Talk say that they withdraw from this site because it is too unpleasant. So I'm not alone in feeling uncomfortable, I'm not some shrinking delicate flower. Shit fuck piss, if you need proof.

I'm not demanding that I be made comfortable, I am not even suggesting that I should be made comfortable. I'm just making that observation so that I can now say:

I made one Sift Talk post. Why would they be "discouraged"? What do they have to be "discouraged" about?

I cherry picked, I know. But I think this is important.

I ask with sincerity, respect and true curiosity.

>> ^braindonut:

So I hope you don't get too discouraged because of your recent frustrations. The fact that this thread exists is what I like so much about this site. But I also hope the people you are in disagreement with don't get discouraged either.

braindonut says...

I was just referring to the threads in general. People seemed to be frustrated, there seemed to be some tension.

I don't think I'm too worried about anyone getting fed up and quitting the sift but I did feel like pointing out that it takes everyone here to make up what this community has going. While I empathize with your frustration, I can also understand both sides. Maybe I shouldn't be concerned about anyone getting too discouraged - clearly, people are fine with speaking their mind.

I think my reaction came about mainly because I saw a couple references to people leaving the sift in the past, earlier in the thread. I felt it would be appropriate to share my hope that it doesn't happen again, or even anything close to that. But it would be disingenuous of me to support only one angle of this discussion, since I'm having a hard time figuring out where I fall in terms of my opinions.

bareboards2 says...

Ah. I see!

Well, the folks leaving are folks like me. Not the "other side." Hence my confusion over your concern for them. They do, indeed, take care of themselves quite well!

And it does take us all.

>> ^braindonut:

I was just referring to the threads in general. People seemed to be frustrated, there seemed to be some tension.
I don't think I'm too worried about anyone getting fed up and quitting the sift but I did feel like pointing out that it takes everyone here to make up what this community has going. While I empathize with your frustration, I can also understand both sides. Maybe I shouldn't be concerned about anyone getting too discouraged - clearly, people are fine with speaking their mind.
I think my reaction came about mainly because I saw a couple references to people leaving the sift in the past, earlier in the thread. I felt it would be appropriate to share my hope that it doesn't happen again, or even anything close to that. But it would be disingenuous of me to support only one angle of this discussion, since I'm having a hard time figuring out where I fall in terms of my opinions.

bareboards2 says...

I just am not comfortable trolling/trash talking/whatever you call it. It isn't my nature. I want to explain why I answered @blankfist so rudely.

I sent him the private PM below. He responded with the comment above, hours later. As I promised him, I responded in kind. It was his choice, not mine.

Sorry to inflict this silly battle of wills on the Sift. I am weary of this, as are all of you, I'm sure.

What I sent him and rottenseed (although rotten told me he didn't read it because it was too long. Maybe blank didn't either):

This whole sift talk was triggered by me being silent for 5 years about stuff that really bothered me, and finally having enough. (Well, and it was qualitatively worse a couple of days ago, that triggered it really.)

There is just no way that I am going to stay silent in the face of any trolling on this Sift Talk. I can't. I just can't.

I am getting weary of this, as are you, I suspect.

But I am also very very stubborn. And I have 5 years of silence built up. And there is No Bloody Way I am going to let one of you guys end this Sift Talk with a mean trolly dig at women.

Just so you know.

I once was on the Food Coop board of directors with a New York Jewish Lawyer. That was how he introduced himself to me, before we were elected, and he warned me that he would talk me down. I just looked at him and said, "You don't know me."

We became very good friends, argued for hours on various topics (outside of board meetings), and occasionally would remember our first meeting and laugh and laugh and laugh.

So here's fair warning. I am not going to let one of your troll "jokes" be the last thing on the Sift Talk Post.

New York Jewish Lawyer. I talked him DOWN.

You will not win this. This is my battle, my pent up frustration, my need to NOT be silent, not here and now.

I have already winced over several things on the Sift the past couple of days, the usual stuff, nothing to say, it is what it is.

But this Sift Talk. This is different. This is mine. You guys have the rest of the Sift. But this is mine.

Telling me to shut up is the very last thing you should be saying to me, if you really and truly want me to shut up.

Just so you know.... Fair warning.

blankfist wrote:
Okay, you've had your fun being all uppity. But lunch ain't gonna cook itself, and we're hungry.

bareboards2 says...

You're technically correct. However, there are implied "shut ups" everywhere. Here's one, written in joke form:

blankfist wrote:
Okay, you've had your fun being all uppity. But lunch ain't gonna cook itself, and we're hungry.

Translation -- shut up now and get in the kitchen.

It's a joke. And it's a shut up.

>> ^UsesProzac:

Who told you to shut up? I ctrl-F'ed it and you were the only one to say it, three times.

bareboards2 says...

I know it's a joke, sweetie. I just said so. I was answering a question.

I'm too weary of this whole thing and uninterested in defending myself extensively. I picked the easiest thing as an example.

I know who blankie is. Blankie knows that I know who Blank is. (@blankfist also knows I am confused by him, but that is because my sweet trusting nature just can't... quite... understand the need to troll. But that is another story.)

>> ^Lann:

It's a joke.
Also, someone taking @blankfist seriously? That in itself would REALLY be a joke!

bareboards2 says...

45 to go, and we'll hit 200 comments on this stupid Sift Talk!

Don't know if that is something to celebrate or not....

Not. I am positive.

>> ^Lann:

One Hundred and Nine.

Come on people, lets's get this shit up to Two Hundred!!!

Retroboy says...

Heh. I don't know if it's my browser (IE8) or what, but loading this comment thread effectively locked my browser for about four minutes.

Tip to self: don't try and view this thread over a slow wireless connection.


I'll draw a possible parallel to another site that I was a very active member and informal "leader" on for some time. Eventually the leaders got bored with the sameness and tried to mix it up a bit. In that case, they actually and actively listened to the population of the site, as long as those members of the population had been around long enough to have some experience behind their opinion and didn't troll or abuse the privilege of being heard. As things like real life occurred, some of the leaders have since moved on to other venues and been replaced by others. The site remains very well run and fresh, but that's because it always remained true to its original spirit of encouraging a high level of discourse and creativity in its discussions, tried to educate rather than ostracise newbies for the first few times when they didn't understand the written and unwritten rules and embarrassed themselves, and was consistent in its policies when "senior members" bent the rules a bit. It's that consistency that was so fundamental to the effective running and executing of the site, and even when traffic fell and things got really quiet, was instrumental in creating a new audience.

TL;DR: If things have really changed since earlier days here, that's a problem. If they're the same and it was always obvious, no reason to complain.

bareboards2 says...

No offense, Retroboy, but it is pretty dang funny to me that you have an opinion about what is happening here without having read the comment stream. Although I understand that it is too long to read (rotten taught me what those initials mean.) I completely understand why you wouldn't wade in!

This ending bit eerily matches many of the comments made though. Isn't that interesting!

@Lann @UsesProzac -- here's an example of something that I interpret as a "shut up." "No reason to complain" can be translated to "you shouldn't have said anything to start with."

The "tense" is weird -- it is more "you should never have spoken" rather than "shut up now." The squash is still present in retro's sentiment, just as it always is here on the Sift.

And I understand that rule -- five years with nary a peep from me.

I lasted longer than @NicoleBeewhoever wrote the burlesque sift talk -- but she was brave enough to try a little feminist education in her Sift Talk. (All I'm doing is saying is it is uncomfortable to be a woman on this site and I'm not the first one to feel that way, and I don't like trolling.) I was meekly lurking while nicolewhoever was engaging. And yes, can you believe it??? I was meek! I lurked and scurried and was afraid of speaking up, knowing the unwritten rule -- don't interfere with the boys and their idea of fun.

Until now. My one little rebellion, triggered by a specific series of events. And oddly enough, this sift talk only happened because I have been educated well by the Freedom Fighters here on the Sift. "Don't censor me. I have a right to say anything I want. Freedom of speech. Move on if you don't like it." Sound familiar?

I have learned the lessons of the Sift well.

>> ^Retroboy:

TL;DR: If things have really changed since earlier days here, that's a problem. If they're the same and it was always obvious, no reason to complain.

bareboards2 says...

See, you ole sweetie! You like women!

I love this play. Eve Ensler did a great thing when she wrote this.

[edit] Thanks so much for posting this here -- maybe some guys will watch it who wouldn't normally.

>> ^blankfist:

jonny says...

I think Retroboy's "TL;DR" is in reference to his own comment, i.e., a summation if anyone couldn't be bothered to read his whole comment. I could be wrong though.>> ^bareboards2:

No offense, Retroboy, but it is pretty dang funny to me that you have an opinion about what is happening here without having read the comment stream.

bareboards2 says...

Huh. Never occurred to me that he was recapping his own (short to me!) comment.

Thanks for the possible interpretation.

>> ^jonny:

I think Retroboy's "TL;DR" is in reference to his own comment, i.e., a summation if anyone couldn't be bothered to read his whole comment. I could be wrong though.>> ^bareboards2:
No offense, Retroboy, but it is pretty dang funny to me that you have an opinion about what is happening here without having read the comment stream.

Retroboy says...

Thx, Jonny, that was the reason for the tl;dr reference. If it were the only comment in my post, it would have referred to the rest of the thread.

I'm assuming that this also removes my post from being an example of comments that are "squashing" the opinion of the thread's creator? Because that was far from the intent.

bareboards2 says...

Sorry for misinterpreting the shorthand -- I don't know the lingo and am acquiring it bit by bit.

And no, sorry, it is still effectively the squashing mentality present on the Sift. It still is "you shouldn't have spoken up."

I will grant you that the squashing mentality isn't restricted to women and women-friendly folks. It happens all the time here on the Sift/intertubes. Fervent proseltyzing Christians can relate, I'm sure.

"Shut up" even has its own acronym STFU, right?

What I don't think is understood is how different it is when there is a culture wide, centuries long STFU about certain topics.

There are whole college degrees based on the suppression of women in the world. Shelves of books, pop psychology, academic tomes, dedicated to the subject. A lot of these books explicitly discuss the reclaiming of women's voices -- "I will not stay silent" is almost a revolutionary war cry.

And I understand that you don't understand. I'm cool with it.

Thanks for taking the time to read the whole long, convoluted, confusing Sift Talk post, Retro. I hope you took time to watch the vid link that @blankfist posted. It really is great.

>> ^Retroboy:

Thx, Jonny, that was the reason for the tl;dr reference. If it were the only comment in my post, it would have referred to the rest of the thread.
I'm assuming that this also removes my post from being an example of comments that are "squashing" the opinion of the thread's creator? Because that was far from the intent.

bareboards2 says...

No fail, my friend. Just some good love of vagina.

By the way...

You do realize that by continuing to post here you are assuring the likelihood of this Sift Talk being the most discussed Sift Talk of next week, too, don't you? I don't mind. I love having this stay on the front page of the Sift. For weeks. For months.

"I am not enjoying the trolling on the Sift."

Week after week after week... right there on the front page.

Thanks for helping me spread my word and my point of view, blankfist. You're a champ.

>> ^blankfist:

Trolling fail on my part.

jwray says...

It goes way beyond sexism. All jackass-style shadenfreude videos should be banned from the sift. Youtube is full of that shit. What's the point of Videosift if you're going to post that shit here?

bareboards2 says...

Ah, @blankfist, very clever with the amazon links.

However, that is at the top of this Sift Talk post, it isn't the last thing on the Sift Talk post. So no good, blankie. Doesn't count.

For those who don't understand what is going on, let me recap.

I have carved out this little Sift Talk Post as a safe place for women and women-friendly Sifters. It didn't start out that way, but it has become that for me and anyone else who feels as I do that the Sift is rampant with tiresome sexist comedy, some of which (rarely, very rarely) tips over into "going too far."

I have told blankfist (and others) privately that I will DIE before I let this Sift Talk post end on a nasty troll towards women. The rest of the sift? Have at it. That is yours 24/7. This space is mine and I will not allow the trolling mentality to go unanswered.

And I mean it. I am in relatively good health, so barring a car accident, I will be here until the end of my life saying NO FUCKING WAY will this sift talk end on a nasty troll towards women.

The trolls rule the rest of the Sift. Those who don't enjoy it are too cowed to speak up. Or are just bored by them. It is easier to just let them say their little say (by which I mean they have a little penis), sigh, and move on. I have been advised repeatedly to give up, that I can't win, that this is what the trolls want. They live for a reaction.

But guess what? I am pleased as punch that they keep coming back here, after I clearly explained the consequences of them doing so. (I stop when they stop. It's not difficult to comprehend.)

I get to say NO FUCKING WAY to sexist bullshit crap that either makes me wince or turns my stomach or makes me fear for the future if this is how some men are towards women. I can't win? Are you kidding me? I'm in hog heaven!

Every time they post something here I get to speak as freely as I want. I am thrilled as anything for this to continue until that truck hits me.

Let me be clear -- I have no interest in censorship. I know where I am. I LOVE 80% of the Sift. I understand that there are things here that aren't for my enjoyment. It is my choice to stay for the 80% or leave because of the 20%. If I stay, it is inappropriate for me to complain. And I don't.

However, the "no censorship" thing cuts both ways. I get to have my one little sift talk post that says I don't like trolling.

This post is way way too long, but don't get mad at me for keeping this going. Believe me, I am also, thrilled as I am, as weary and bored by this as many of you.

TL DR: Go leave private messages on blankfist's page, telling him to stop trolling on this Sift Talk. This crazy woman isn't going to shut up and you are sick of reading her posts.

bareboards2 says...

The brilliance of the wit of trolls blinds me. "Sandwiches".

Oh. Excuse me. Let me quote correctly the entire bon mot. "Lol. Sandwiches."

Oscar Wilde, I salute you. Blankfist and rottenseed have stood on the shoulders of giants.

Ah, blankie, every little troll you make keeps this Sift Talk on the front page.

"I am not enjoying the trolling on the Sift."

That is not something I would say on a daily basis here. But you do. Thanks.

TL DR: Go leave private messages on blankfist's page, telling him to stop trolling on this Sift Talk. This crazy woman isn't going to shut up and you are sick of reading her posts.

>> ^blankfist:

Lol. Sandwiches.

bareboards2 says...

Looks like someone could use a good waxing.

I hear waxing is really really painful.


Some women are smarter than that.

@dag, thanks for removing the amazon links, but it was okay to leave them. They look like jackasses and just prove my point.

Because "I am not enjoying the trolling on the sift."

TL DR: Go leave private messages on blankfist's page, telling him to stop trolling on this Sift Talk. This crazy woman isn't going to shut up and you are sick of reading her posts.

>> ^blankfist:

Click my avatar ------------------------------------------------------------------->

bareboards2 says...

A bit cryptic here... are you saying that having sex is good, but you would turn it down if the vagina came to you au naturelle?

Well, that is your choice.

I have noticed that the men I admire most really love bodies as they evolved to be, not some plasticized and sanitized unnatural vision of Barbie and Ken dolls. That personal preference seems to be tied to a love of life and a way of being in the world that is very attractive.

At least, this is true of the men here on the Sift. I don't have this conversation out in the real world, I just have read the comments here and there.

>> ^rottenseed:

>> ^bareboards2:
That's not a bad idea, rottenseed.
How's about it @blankfist? You into cougars?
>> ^rottenseed:
get a room

>> ^bareboards2:
Looks like someone could use a good waxing.
I hear waxing is really really painful.


rottenseed says...

It's dependent on age. Most people my age prefer heavily trimmed genitalia.

I'm sure the "men you admire" like when a woman shaves her legs and her pits right? Assuming the answer is yes, then that right there is modification from how bodies "evolved to be". If they like hairy pits and legs, then they're an exception to the rule, not the rule.>> ^bareboards2:

A bit cryptic here... are you saying that having sex is good, but you would turn it down if the vagina came to you au naturelle?
Well, that is your choice.
I have noticed that the men I admire most really love bodies as they evolved to be, not some plasticized and sanitized unnatural vision of Barbie and Ken dolls. That personal preference seems to be tied to a love of life and a way of being in the world that is very attractive.
At least, this is true of the men here on the Sift. I don't have this conversation out in the real world, I just have read the comments here and there.

>> ^rottenseed:
>> ^bareboards2:
That's not a bad idea, rottenseed.
How's about it @blankfist? You into cougars?
>> ^rottenseed:
get a room

>> ^bareboards2:
Looks like someone could use a good waxing.
I hear waxing is really really painful.


bareboards2 says...

I'm well aware of the generational difference.

Your generation grew up with an access to porn and a visually sexualised culture that has never been experienced before. It is a world whose images have been managed, airbrushed, corporatized for ease of consumption. It has shaped your view of the world.

And actually, yes, when a man loves a woman just as she was created, I do admire him more. And he is rare, you're right. I find it incredibly sexy that he loves every part of the human body, without judgment, without reserve, without prudishness. No limits, no restraints, it is incredibly joyous and freeing.

You know who you are, if you are reading this. You are sexy, sexy men!

Sex is better without inhibitions, yes? These poor young women who are bleaching their anuses to match the porn shots -- when will they ever be perfect enough? They can never match those airbrushed fantasies. And can they really relax and enjoy themselves -- and you -- if they so worried about what they look like?

The Australian super model Elle MacPherson has said that she doesn't go to the beach, because she doesn't want to be compared to her photographs. She knows she doesn't look like them. A super model is insecure. This is really really sad.

By the way, I live in a small town that might be the last little enclave of hippies. There are a disproportionate number of women here with hairy legs and armpits.

You're right, though, even here they are the exception.

>> ^rottenseed:

It's dependent on age. Most people my age prefer heavily trimmed genitalia.
I'm sure the "men you admire" like when a woman shaves her legs and her pits right? Assuming the answer is yes, then that right there is modification from how bodies "evolved to be". If they like hairy pits and legs, then they're an exception to the rule, not the rule.

NetRunner says...

@bareboards2, I think you're putting a bit too much emphasis on this natural vs. artificial thing. Everyone does something unnatural to enhance their appearance from "the way we evolved". Some of it is just personal hygiene like showering, washing your hair, brushing your teeth, using deodorant, etc. Some of it is clearly about improving your appearance to others, like getting your hair cut, shaving, combing or styling your hair, what have you.

To some degree, you need to do this stuff, just to signal to the world that you care about your appearance. If you're looking to attract a romantic interest, then you need to do more than what the expected norm is.

When it comes to these sorts of extra cosmetic efforts, it's not so much about whether they actually make the woman look better according to some objective standard of beauty, it's about the knowledge that they put the effort into make themselves look the best they could. Obviously the goal is to actually succeed in making yourself look better, but it's really the thought that counts.

As for removal of body hair, I think the conceptions of the ideal has actually changed for both genders. Compare Tom Selleck in his heyday to more modern male heartthrobs. These days they are universally clean shaven with waxed chests. I'd be willing to bet that change happened around the same time Playboy started making all their models shave their pubic hair.

As for these women who turn themselves into some grotesque barbie, I don't get the sense that they're doing it to try to satisfy some unreasonable man in their life. I think most of the time, they're doing it to try to feel better about themselves (and often driving away the men in their lives in the process). I agree that's probably a symptom of a problem with our culture generally, but I don't think it's the availability of images of impossibly perfect looking women that's causing it. I think it's got to do with all the subtle and not so subtle ways our culture tends to tie a woman's appearance to her worth as a person.

bareboards2 says...

Can't say I disagree with anything you say!

I was talking shorthand. Nuance gets lost in shorthand.

>> ^NetRunner:

@bareboards2, I think you're putting a bit too much emphasis on this natural vs. artificial thing. Everyone does something unnatural to enhance their appearance from "the way we evolved". Some of it is just personal hygiene like showering, washing your hair, brushing your teeth, using deodorant, etc. Some of it is clearly about improving your appearance to others, like getting your hair cut, shaving, combing or styling your hair, what have you.
To some degree, you need to do this stuff, just to signal to the world that you care about your appearance. If you're looking to attract a romantic interest, then you need to do more than what the expected norm is.
When it comes to these sorts of extra cosmetic efforts, it's not so much about whether they actually make the woman look better according to some objective standard of beauty, it's about the knowledge that they put the effort into make themselves look the best they could. Obviously the goal is to actually succeed in making yourself look better, but it's really the thought that counts.
As for removal of body hair, I think the conceptions of the ideal has actually changed for both genders. Compare Tom Selleck in his heyday to more modern male heartthrobs. These days they are universally clean shaven with waxed chests. I'd be willing to bet that change happened around the same time Playboy started making all their models shave their pubic hair.
As for these women who turn themselves into some grotesque barbie, I don't get the sense that they're doing it to try to satisfy some unreasonable man in their life. I think most of the time, they're doing it to try to feel better about themselves (and often driving away the men in their lives in the process). I agree that's probably a symptom of a problem with our culture generally, but I don't think it's the availability of images of impossibly perfect looking women that's causing it. I think it's got to do with all the subtle and not so subtle ways our culture tends to tie a woman's appearance to her worth as a person.

bareboards2 says...


Now, is this actually a nasty troll against women?

Kind of. Sort of. Not really, but kinda sorta.

I shall write a little essay on the relative value of words, to explain.

I was in my late teens when the Feminist Movement of the seventies was getting going. This was a time of women reclaiming language.

Women were described as "Miss or Mrs". Men were "Mr", with no designation as to their marital status. Just "Mr". So women came up with "Ms". No indication of marital status. The word was chosen to have an equal "value" to Mr.

We were also struggling with being called "girl" rather than "woman."

I got into many conversations, trying to convince folks that calling a grown woman a "girl" is very insulting. I heard many different reasons why it is okay to call a woman that, and I eventually figured out a logical response to each of those reasons.

It came down to a simple test.

Say something about a woman, calling her a "girl". Now change the gender -- would you say the same thing about man and be able to use the word "boy"? Or does it sound completely insulting to call a man a boy in that situation?


"I'll have my girl get back to you on that" when meaning your 51-year-old support staff person. Would you say "I'll have my boy get back to you on that." Think you would do it? How about if your support staff person is a black man? Now try it. Really drawl out that "boy", Southern it up big time.


If you would not call a black man a "boy", you got no business calling a grown woman a "girl."

It's okay to use girl sometimes, just as it is okay to use boy. "Boys' Night Out." "Girls' Night Out." Equal value phrases. No problem with "girl" if you can substitute "boy" and not feel weird.

So here we have rottenseed's eloquence.

"tits cunts cocks balls"

Nicely balanced, two sexual characteristics for each gender. They aren't the same area of the body, but that is just a reflection of the realities of anatomy. Our stuff is top and bottom, men have their stuff in the same place.

The only thing that sits badly is the word "cunt." That word doesn't have a male equivalent in rottenseed's attempt to be balanced. A truly balanced word would have been something like vay jay jay, or even @Lann's cooter. Cooter is a sweet term.

The word "cunt" has been used too long and too often as a pejorative to dismiss an entire woman as being just a body part, to shame her, to silence her, to reduce her to irrelevance. It wasn't that long ago that you wouldn't even hear or see the word -- it was spelled down to C-Word, and everyone knew what horrible thing had been said. Can't say that is true with the words "cocks" and "balls."

So "cunt" doesn't have a matched value word on the male side of this triumph of eloquence.

Women are starting to reclaim the word "cunt" for themselves, just as Eve Ensler made it okay to say vagina. I know you younger folks might be surprised to know this, but it wasn't that long ago NO ONE EVER said vagina. Penis was okay, but the word vagina was whispered and suggested and disguised (Lann's cooter, for example, it was always referred to with cute nicknames.) That was the beauty of Eve Ensler's Vagina Monologues. She set out to make vagina have the same "value" as penis, and she succeeded, brilliantly.

We haven't managed to reclaim "cunt" yet, but we are sneaking up on it.

So. To maintain the word value balance, just as I have been doing since 1970, I shall edit rottenseed's mature and eloquent tone poem to:

tits cooters cocks balls

TL DR: tits cooters cocks balls

>> ^rottenseed:

tits cunts cocks balls

bareboards2 says...

It was explained to me that if someone writes a long comment, they can chose to summarize the long post so a casual reader can just skip to the summary.

"TL DR" means "too long, didn't read". If you read that summary, you get the gist of the long long loooong post.

To repeat my TL DR from above:

tits cooters cocks balls

rottenseed says...

>> ^bareboards2:

It was explained to me that if someone writes a long comment, they can chose to summarize the long post so a casual reader can just skip to the summary.
"TL DR" means "too long, didn't read". If you read that summary, you get the gist of the long long loooong post.
To repeat my TL DR from above:

tits cooters cocks balls

HAHA you're doing TL;DR correctly...

bareboards2 says...

Hey, thanks, rottenseed! I think that is the first nice thing you have ever said to me!

This is comment #199 -- wouldn't it be cool if we DON'T make Lann's goal of 200?

Or is it cooler to break 200 and shoot for 300?

>> ^rottenseed:

>> ^bareboards2:
It was explained to me that if someone writes a long comment, they can chose to summarize the long post so a casual reader can just skip to the summary.
"TL DR" means "too long, didn't read". If you read that summary, you get the gist of the long long loooong post.
To repeat my TL DR from above:

tits cooters cocks balls

HAHA you're doing TL;DR correctly...

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